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A/N: Annyeong-haseyo readers! I am very, very sorry for the delay of this Update but I had a writers block only for this story and I cured it by writing my other ones but now I am inspired again - because I was listening to 5SOS' album to get ready for the concert on Monday!

I want to thank you for 320+ readers and I want to thank my dongsaeng droolingeorge and my chingu SomebodysLovebird for always writing comments and votes. You two are my most loyal readers. ♥

And now enjoy the new chapter! 


• • • ♥

"Be my girlfriend."

Jimin choked on the piece of chicken she was currently chewing on and looked at Junmyeon in amazement. Did he just really ask her that? Junmyeon was determined. He wanted to know her answer - right now. 

His heart was beating in the speed of light and his fingers were shaking. The chicken in his hands dropped in the bowl. "Jimin, please say something." He whispered and looked up to see Jimin looking at him.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend." She said and took Junmyeon's shaking hands. "You don't have to be anxious anymore, Junmyeon. I want you to be my boyfriend as well." She said putting her chicken aside and leaning in to give Junmyeon a peck on the lips. 

He froze at her touch but soon melted, putting his chicken away and pulling her closer. His hands rested on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The cute little peck turned out to be more heated up as the time they were kssing each other.

Jimin felt how much Junmyeon liked her, loved her, through that kiss and she put all her emotion into this single kiss making Junmyeon feel the same way he made her feel. 

They broke apart to breath and looked each other into the eyes. Jimin chuckled. "That was a very chicken-tastey kiss." She smiled, while Junmyeon stroke her cheek. His heart exploded in his chest and her heart was in an overdrive she couldn't explain.

"Can I call you Jagiya from now on?" Junmyeon asked leaning in for another kiss. "Yes, you can." Jimin smiled melting in Junmyeons arms.

• • • ♥

Junmyeon picked Jimin up from home the next day and they drove to the University together. They were both in a good mood - Junmyeon's hand resting on Jimin's thigh and both of them singing to the songs on the radio.

Junmyeon couldn't believe that only two weeks after he met Choi Jimin he would be together with her. He parked infront of the university and Jimin leaned into him and kissed him with a passion that made his heart jump out of his chest.

Her hot breath tickled his lips. "See you at lunchtime." She whispered and pecked his lips one more time before climbing out of the car and skipping towards the gates of the school. Junmyeon moved his hands through his hair and smiled happily. 

He climbed out of the car and locked it before walking in his classroom. He sat down on his chair when his clasmate Lee Minjae came over to him. "I heard the news, Junmyeon." He said and Junmyeon looked at him confused. "What news?" He asked looking at his classmate. "You got yourself a girlfriend!" He smiled. Junmyeon rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, Chanyeol and Baekhyun couldn't keep their mouth shut." Minjae nodded.

"But tell me, how is she? Is she hot?" Minjae asked and Junmyeon slapped his arm. "That's my girlfriend we're talking about. Don't you dare calling her hot." Minjae laughed and sat down infront of Junmyeon listening to the story how he met the beautiful Choi Jimin.

On the other side of the classroom Park Sodam was eavesdropping, her fists clenched and her heart aching in jealousy. Who was this girl that managed to become Kim Junmyeon's girlfriend? Sodam was angry. She didn't want her Oppa to have a girlfriend. And he didn't wanted other girls to look at her Oppa. She bit her bottom lip and went over to her seat trying to listen to the words Kim Junmyeon said.

"Choi Jimin is her name?" Minjae asked and Junmyeon nodded. "She's studying drama." Junmyeon smiled and Minjae nodded. "I think I heard of that famous Choi Jimin Effect from some boys of the Drama class." He said and Junmyeon laughed. "Yes. That Choi Jimin Effect is a trap though." Junmyeon laughed. "But she's my girlfriend, so back off." He said in a serious tone and Minjae laughed.

Sodam pressed her lips together. "Choi Jimin..." she whispered before standing up and leaving the classroom. "I am going to find you and you're going to pay for taking Oppa away from me!" She said between gritted teeth.

• • • ♥

Jimin was sitting next to Kyungsoo taking notes when the teacher ended the class and called Jimin to her. "See you at lunchtime, Kyungsoo-ah." She said and waved him before walking to the teacher. "I have some good news, Jimin-ah." Her teacher smiled at her and Jimin nodded. "What is it?" She asked and the teacher smiled.

"The heads of the University and their partners in New York decided to give the scholarship to you. I know it's on a short notice as the scholarship in New York City starts in seventy-seven days but I am happy to tell you that you are studing in the U.S."

Jimin smiled until she realised what that meant. "Pardon? I move to the U.S in seventy-seven days?" She gasped and her teacher nodded.

Jimin smiled and bowed taking all the information sheets her teacher handed her and left the classroom. With her head hung low she walked to her next class. Seventy-seven days aren't a lot. "How am I going to tell this to Junmyeon?" She asked herself putting the information in her bag and massaged her temples.

"We just got together..." she mumbled and entered her classroom sitting down next to Jongdae ignoring his greeting. Jongdae looked at her and sensed that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what.

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