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"Kim Junmyeon. Don't grin at me like that. Am I going to sleep in your bed?" Jimin repeated and crossed her arms over her chest. But before Junmyeon could answer Mrs. Kim was back and smiled. "Everything is prepared my dear. Have a good rest tonight." She smiled and nodded towards Junmyeon who took her hand happily and dragged her upstairs into his room.

Jimin snickered when Junmyeon opened his door and waved her inside. She looked around the room and gasped in surprise. Junmyeon had a ginormous room. Almost bigger than her and the boys' flat. But she wouldn't say anything. 

Mrs. Kim had settled a checkered Pyjama and a bag with toiletries on the edge of the bed and Jimin walked over to it, before grabbing her cellphone and texting Minseok that she would have a sleepover at her boyfriends place.

Jimin turned around to Junmyeon who smiled at her. "Was it that hard meeting my parents, Jagiya?" He asked and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. Jimin rolled her eyes. "No. It wasn't." She smiled and wiggled her way out of Junmyeons hold. She took the pyjama and the toiletries and looked at Junmyeon. "Bathroom?" She asked and Junmyeon pointed to the door next to his warderobe. She nodded and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Jimin took a deep breath and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was glad that she finally met Junmyeon's parents and she was laughing about herself. The nervousness she had wasn't really neccessary. She quickly undressed herself and jumped in the shower washing the sweat off her body and washing her hair and her face. When she was in the warm PJ's looking at the bathroom door she was nervous again. What if Junmyeon didn't like her bare face and would break up with her? She wanted to make him happy for at least seventy days.

She unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom finding Junmyeon lounging on his bed zapping through the channels on the TV that was hanging on the opposite wall of his bed. He looked up and smiled when he Jimin in her pyjama and the wet hair; a little pout on her lips. He smiled.

"You look cute, Jagi." He grinned sliding off the bed and handing her the remote. "I'm just going to wash up and be with you in a minute. My blow dryer is in the second drawer of my warderobe." He explained and blew a kiss towards his girlfriend. Jimin smiled an took the hair dryer and dried her hair. When she was done she cuddled into Junmyeon's bed sheets and zapped through the channels before she stopped on SBS and started watching a Drama.

Soon after she was emerged in the Drama Junmyeon came out of the bathroom wearing pyjama bottoms and a white T-shirt. He cuddled into the bed and laid his head on his girlfriends shoulder, inhaling her scent. He closed his eyes, listening to Jimin talking about the Drama and how wrong this one scene was. The context of the scene didn't matched with the other ones and it was just wrong.

Hearing Jimin ranting about stuff she knew he fell asleep comfortably leaning on her shoulder. After a while Jimin looked towards Junmyeon and saw he was sleeping. Sighingly she rested his head on his pillow and started stroking his hair.

"Kim Junmyeon, you are the first man who ever loved me back." She whispered. "And I am so sorry for breaking your heart." She bit her bottom lip. "In seventy days I will be exactly like your ex-girlfriend and break your heart so much you don't know where you are. I am so sorry, my love." She whispered and leaned onto his shoulder. 

"Saranghae, Junmyeon."She whispered before turning the television off and laying down next to her boyfriend.

• • • ♥

The sun that was peeking through the curtains was waking Junmyeon and he yawned before realizing the small girl that was cuddled up next to him. He smiled cheekily and leaned down to kiss her forehead, a gesture he always did. 

Jimin woke up from the touch of Junmyeon's lips and smiled at him, hiding the pain of the future behind her smile. "Good morning, Junmyeon." She smiled and pecked his lips. "Good morning, Jimin." He grinned and stretched which made Jimin fell off his shoulder. She watched him stretching and climbing out of the bed throwing his T-shirt off.

She shrieked and hid her face under the quilt at the short revealing of Junmyeon's bare back. "Don't strip when I am in here!" She squeaked and felt a weight on the bed. "Don't say you don't like it, Jimin." He teased and she peeked out from under the quilt only to be eye to eye with a very attractive muscular stomach. "Abs..." She whispered, before Junmyeon tackled her and hovered above her. "You are so cute, Choi Jimin!" He grinned and leaned down to kiss her passionatley.

He cupped her cheeks carefully holding her like Jimin was made out of the most fragile porcellaine he had ever seen. His left hand slowly moving downwards to her waist holding her close, while his lips moved slowly over hers. He carefully nibbled on her bottom lip so she would open her mouth. Exploring the caves of each other made them loose hold of time and when they finally finished their quiet and sensual make out session Jimin wasn't afraid to look at Junmyeon's bare chest anymore.

Junmyeon cuddled onto her and rested his head on her chest while she slowly stroked his hair. No one of them really ready to get out of the bed. Both of them stuck in their thoughts. Jimin truly loved Junmyeon like she never had loved someone before. He brought out the best of her. And she knew he loved her as well. The way he always made sure she was feeling loved and safe made her heart jump a little bit. 

But behind her heart Jimin was hiding the biggest secret ever and she was not sure how she would tell her beloved boyfriend that she had to leave him. It was easy telling him when he was sleeping, but when he was awake and conscious? That was another story.

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