When one strongly believes in something, it takes overwhelming contradictory evidence to change their minds. Junmyeon had always been a devout believer in the idea of "true love". The evidence did not support him.

When Junmyeon was just six years old he saw this little girl on the playground. Her long black hair was tied into pigtails and she was swinging on her swings. Junmyeon, who always carried his crayons and a notepad with him, started drawing a picture. It's a boy and a girl with a giant heart over them.

Satisfied with the picture, little Junmyeon stands up from the bench he was sitting on and walks over to the girl. Without a word he handed the picture to the girl and walks back to his bench, smiling brightly. He sits down and waits what happens. 

The little girl looks at the picture and walks through the playground, handing the picture to another boy. Junmyeon is mortified. His eyes started filling with tears as he watched the other boy eating the picture.

With fifteen years, middle school Junmyeon was pecking a girl's lips behind the bleachers of the soccer field. After finishing their skinship, he stands up, waves his goodbye and walks off. What Junmyeon didn't knew is that the girl grabbing her phone and calling another boy, who she kisses much more passionately, than she did with Junmyeon. 

In high school, Junmyeon had his first girlfriend. Her name was Lee Yejin and she was a glamorous girl. Other boys were jealous of Junmyeon and Yejin, because she was pretty, cute and had a very nice body. They were sitting in a train, on their way to their first vacation as a couple. Junmyeon wanted to show her Busan, where his older brother was studying.

"I'm so glad we go to Busan together, jagiya." Junmyeon smiles. "I know we've been only dating for a few months... But it's been awesome!" He smiles. "And now we're going to spend eight days in Busan. Just you and me! Best holidays ever!"

Across the aisle, Yejin makes eye contact with a handsome but older guy. Junmyeon - of course - didn't realise that. He's thinking about the fun he and Yejin will have in Busan. "I think we should see other people, Junmyeon." She says coldly, while Junmyeon widens his eyes and stare at her.

And that's it... Kim Junmyeon still believes in true love, after all he had witnessed with women. But he knows that Choi Jimin is different. He looks at his breakfast and then at his parents and Junyoung. "We're just worried about you, Junmyeon." His mother speaks. "After Yejin broke up with you, you were a shadow of yourself." She continues. 

"Your grades also dropped." His father interrupts, joining the conversation. "Eomma, Appa it's different this time. It's love at first sight!" He explained and his parents sigh. "Junmyeon, go to school. It's getting late." His father says, showing that he doesn't want to hear one more word about his sons so called crush.

Junymeon sighs and bows, leaving the kitchen and slips into his shoes and grabs his bag pack, before walking to his car. "I hope I'll see her today." He smiled, when he turned on the engine and started driving towards the Korea National University of Arts.

Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were already waiting for him at the parking lot and greeted him cheerfully. "We decided to help you with Choi Jimin." Kyungsoo said and Junmyeon's eyes widen at the thought of his friends help. "You are?" He said, moving his hair out of his face.

"Yes." Baekhyun started. "After seeing her reaction towards you yesterday we are more than sure that she might like you too."

"Or is at least affected by you." Kyungsoo said and Junymeon smiled. "Guys, that's... That's great!" He couldn't hide his smile. "We're going to the coffeeshop she works at today and invite her over to Yeol's party at the weekend." Baekhyun said. "You're having a party?" Junmyeon asks and Chanyeol shook his head. "No, we just needed a reason for Choi Jimin to come over." He said and Junmyeon nods.

"And then at the fake-party, you ask her if she wants to go out with you!" Baekhyun said, while the four boys walk through the halls of the university. "I'm really glad you're going to help me!" Junmyeon smiled and waved his friends goodbye, before walking to his own classroom where Park Sodam has already waited for him.

"Good morning, oppa. We didn't had a chance to discuss over the Shakespeare play we were reading yesterday." She smiled cutely and Junmyeon looked at her. "I'm sorry, I was a little bit busy yesterday." He smiled and looked out of the window. He saw Kim Jongdae and Choi Jimin walking over the campus. 

The girl was waving with her arms and Jongdae was laughing. Junmyeon smiled. He wanted to laugh about her stories as well. But now he had his friends who wanted to actively help him win over Choi Jimin's heart.

"Oppa? Are you listening?" Sodam asked and Junmyeon shook his head. "Sorry, Sodam-ah. Maybe you should just discuss with someone else." He said and looked out of the window again. Sodam took a deep breath and clenched the little book in her hands. She was angry.

Why wasn't Kim Junmyeon giving her any attention?

She stood up and walked through the classroom to her assigned seat and watched Junmyeon looking out of the window. He seemed like he was in thoughts again so she left him. But she would get his attention. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

• • • ♥

It was lunch break, when Junmyeon was looking for Choi Jimin in the cafeteria. He was stretching his neck, pressing his lips together, while looking at the front doors, when his Cinderella finally arrived - together with her friend Kim Jongdae.

He waved his hand and caught her attention. A smile crept on her lips and she waved back before turning to Jongdae. "Jongdae-ah?" She asks cutely, while Jongdae ordered his lunch. "Yes?""Would you mind if we sit with Kyungsoo and his friends again?" She cutely smiles. Jongdae rolls his eyes. "It's because of Junmyeon-ah, right?" Jongdae asks handing Jimin her tray.

She nodds and drags him to the tabe where Junmyeon is sitting.

"Would you mind if we join you again?" She grins and locks her eyes with Junmyeon. He feel his heartbeat speeding up.

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