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Park Sodam was staring at the door of her classroom where Kim Junmyeon was giving his girlfriend Choi Jimin a bittersweet goodbye kiss. They both had their eyes closed and were lost in the moment of their true love. Bullshit, Sodam thought, Oppa can't feel true love except mine. She was getting really jealous lately. 

She moved her hands through her short hair and scoffed when she saw Jimin waving Junmyeon before walking away, leaving her Oppa alone - finally. With a quick motion Sodam had her hand mirror in her hand and checked if her make-up was still flawless before approaching her Oppa.

"Good morning, Junmyeon-oppa!" She smiled brightly. "Good morning, Sodam." He smiled. "How was your weekend, Oppa?" Junmyeon grinned happily before answering: "It was good."

Something about the way Junmyeon had said these words made Sodam scoff in jealousy and stomp away. No one emphasized the word good if it wasn't really good...

• • • ♥

Jongdae looked at Jimin who loaded herself with extra work once again. He followed her to the library. "Jimin you have to talk to him. You can't avoid that topic until it's time for you to leave. I don't know him that well but as a man I know how much it's going to break his heart." Jongdae realised that his friend wasn't listening - or more accurate - was ignoring him.

"Jimin. There are only sixty-seven days left. Don't let him hang like that." Jongdae spoke and Jimin sighed. "Jongdae, how am I supposed to tell the man I love that I am going to leave to the States after the summer? How?" She said messing up her own hair. "Tell me how and I will do it." She said before sitting down and reading the scripts she picked. Jongdae sighed and left her.

He, Yixing and Minseok were thinking about ways to help Jimin tell Junmyeon about her departure but Jimin declined all their ideas and didn't wanted their help. The boys knew how hard it had to be for Jimin but they could also imagine the pain Junmyeon would be in, if Jimin wouldn't tell him sooner or later.

• • • ♥

Sodam was waiting infront of the Drama classroom, waiting for Jimin to come out. When she saw the petite girl with the black fedora coming out of the classroom she stood herself in Jimin's way. Jimin furrowed her eyebrows having no idea who that girl was that was standing right infront of her.

"Annyeong-haseyo. Park Sodam is my name and I am from the Acting class. It seems like I am in the same class as your boyfriend." She introduced herself with a fake smile. "Mind if we're having a chat?" She asked and Jimin looked at her watch. "I'm really busy, you know?" Jimin asked. "Junmyeon is waiting for me." "Oh, no worries. This will go by really fast. I actually want to talk about Junmyeon." Sodam smiles and Jimin looked at the girl with a curious look in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Jimin asked and let Sodam drag her away from observing eyes.

Sodam dragged Jimin into a rather empty hallway in the fourth level and cornered her in a corner. Cute and innocent Jimin didn't really realise what happened until Sodam took off the fake grin and looked at her. "Junmyeon-oppa is mine!" She growled. "Junmyeon-oppa is mine and he shouldn't love an ugly girl like you!" She spit and pulled on Jimin's hair. Jimin formed her lips to an 'O' when the girl pushed her down to the floor. "You have absolutely no right to love Junmyeon-oppa!" She shouted and Jimin realised that the random girl was right.

Jimin had no right to love Junmyeon because she was leaving him. There weren't a lot of days left before she would dissapear and break his heart. Better to realise it now, than when it's too late. "Park Sodam-ah!" Jimin shouted. Sodam looked at Jimin before kicking her beautiful face. "I give up." She sat putting her hands up in defeat. "Do me a favour and love Junmyeon. Please." She said and bowed. Sodam looked surprised. Never had she thought that Jimin would give up that quickly. She didn't even needed to use violence.

Sodam even helped Jimin to stand up. "Thank you for loving Junmyeon." She said and bowed before leaving. She didn't wanted this random girl to see her crying. Departing now would surely hurt him less than having a great summer and breaking his heart afterwards.

Jimin didn't meet up with Junmyeon after school. She went straight to her dorm and called her parents. "Eomma, Appa. I'm coming home." She whispered into the phone before hanging up and breaking into tears. She was happy that all the guys were out so she could cry over the fact that she was going to leave the love of her life behind.

Just like that.

• • • ♥

Junmyeon was waiting infront of his car. Jimin wasn't usually late but today it seemed like she was. Just when he wanted to call her, he heard someone running towards him and throwing herself in his arms. Junmyeon smiled until he realised who he was hugging.

"Sodam-ah? What are you doing?" He asked and Sodam smiled brightly. "I am ready to love you and care for you Junmyeon-oppa." She grinned and wanted to hug Junmyeon again , when the older boy pushed her away. "What are you talking about?" He said in shock. "I have a girlfriend and you know it!"

"It seems like that girlfriend of yours had abandoned you. At least she asked the right person to love you. I am ready to love and take care of you. So where are we going, Oppa?" She asked linking her arms with his. "Get lost!" Junmyeon said loudly and pushed Sodam off him. "Where is Jimin and what have you done to her?" He asked angrily. "I didn't do anything! It was her! She said I should love you!" 

Junmyeon didn't believe a single word this girl was saying and climbed into his car. On the way to Jimins flat he called her phone but the only thing answering was the voice mail. "For fudge's sake, Choi Jimin!" He banged his hands against the steering wheel while trying to call Jongdae. Jongdae of course picked up.

"Jongdae, where is Jimin?" He asked and parked infront of their building. He saw Jongdae just opening the front door and ran towards him. "Jongdae, where is Jimin?" He repeated and the two boys rushed upstairs and into the flat. The door to Jimins room was open and there were clothes scattered all over the floor.

"Junmyeon-hyung. Here's a note." Jongdae said handing Junmyeon the piece of paper.

Dear Jongdae, Minseok & Lay,

I am very sad to depart from you like that. I know most of my clothes are still there but I am going to get them later... For now I am with my parents. I love you guys. You are great friends. Tell Junmyeon that I love him and it hurts my own heart knowing he will be heartbroken. But there is this nice girl who promised to love and care for him.

We'll meet again.

- Choi Jimin

Junmyeon stared at the words his girlfriend had written before he broke down on his knees and cleched the shirt abover his chest. His heart was hurting and he felt like he was going to die.

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