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Annyeong!~ Before you read the new chapter I want to thank Huntella for this absolute fantastic and beautiful cover. I still can't believe how good it turned out. Author-nim is going to cry because ofg the beauty of this cover. Go and check out her graphic shop, she's a genius.

I also want to thank all the readers and people who wrote comments, especially guardineofexo. Your comments made my day. Thank you for that! And now,... Have fun with the new chapter.

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The advantage of love at first sight is that it delays a second look.

"We just left the Cinema and you are already writing down the summary of the movie, Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol holds up a snapback and place it on his pink hair, before holding Kyungsoo's arm so the younger boy wouldn't walk into a street lamp. Baekhyun nods. "We just finished our Mock Exams and you are already learning again? What a nerd."

Junmyeon giggles. "He's not a nerd. He's just a good student." He said and looks at his watch. "Should we still go to this coffee shop Kyungsoo recommended or should we go and have dinner?" Junmyeon asked and the other boys checked their phones to see the time. 

"I really want a coffee right now." Kyungsoo said and patted his belly. "After the Nachos I had I really need coffee." He smiled and put his little notepad in the pocket of his denim jacket. "The coffee shop is right over there and it's one of my favourite. You really have to try their Blueberry Muffin. It's the best Muffin I've ever eaten!" Kyungsoo send his friends a heart shaped smile and led them to the coffee shop.

The coffee shop is between a Convenience Store and a Pharmacy and looks like a japanese Dojo from the outside. "Are you sure that's a coffee shop, Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked and Kyungsoo just nodded and pushed the door open. The boys entered the coffee shop and the smell of fresh coffee and pastries hit the nose and Baekhyun forgot all his prejudices. 

"Annyeong-haseyo!" A mid-fourties greeted them with a light bow. "Welcome to World of Coffee. A table for four?" She asked and shoot an eyesmile into the boys direction. "Yes please." Kyungsoo spoke and the woman lead them to a cosy table in a corner. "A waitress is coming to you in a minute. Just get comfortable." She bowed and the boys bowed as well.

"Wow, that's a lovely place." Junmyeon said and looked around the room. Silent music was filling the room and the people were talking quietly or working on their laptops. "I understand why you like this place so much, Kyungsoo. It's very quiet." He smiled and Kyungsoo nodded. "Exactly, Hyung."

"Annyeong-haseyo, how can I help you?" A soft voice interrupted the boys and Junmyeon looked up. In this moment, Junmyeon knows he has seen an angel. It's the girl from yesterday. Choi Jimin. Her short black hair is tied into two ponytails and she wears a headband on her head. Her smile is bright and reaches her eyes and her cheeks are rosy.

Jimin wears a dark red apron over a black skirt and a white top - her uniform. Her pencil is drawing stars in the corner of her notepad, while she waits for the young men to order. She smiles at Kyungsoo knowingly, because he always orders the same. "Kyungsoo-ah, let me guess!" She smiles before the boy could even open his mouth.

Junmyeon gulped, excited yet hurtened, by the fact that Choi Jimin might know what Kyungsoo wants. "Blueberry Muffin and Caramel Machiato?" She asks and wins a heart shaped smile from Kyungsoo. "Well done, Jimin-ah. You learned." She giggled and scribbles down Kyungsoo's order. "You're here almost everyday, of course I would know what you like." She winks before her brown eyes meet Junmyeon's eyes.

The nameless boy!, her mind shrieks and she blushed. "A-Annyeong." Junmyeon stutters and looks into the menu to hide his embarrassement. "I take a Cappuchino and a Scone with jam, please." Chanyeol orders, while looking at Junmyeon confused. Jimin scribbles down his order and looks at Baekhyun. "I'll have the orange juice, please." Jimin nods and looks at Junmyeon. "And you?" She asks and sends him a smile.

Junmyeon never felt his heart beat in this speed and he can feel his cheeks burn up. "I-I am taking a Water, please." He stutters and Jimin nods, then she took the menus and walked over to the counter where her friend and coworker was doing some Espresso's. 

"Omo, I'm so emberassing!" Jimin sighed and put a cup under the coffee machine. "What happened?" Kim Jongdae asks and looked at her. "Over there on Table Seventeen is this boy I saw yesterday in the park. He's friends with one of my classmates and oh-so good looking." She sighs. "But I don't know his name because he never introduced himself to me and since yesterday-"

"Hold up!" Jongdae says and blinks twice, before pushing his curls out of his face. "Do you remember what happened in Highschool? The story you told me one-hundred-and-seven times? The one were you fell head over heels for that pretty boy and it ended up in a one-sided love?" Jongdae rolls his eyes and Jimin pouted. "I know, I know. But he is so handsome and Kyungsoo-ah is his friend so maybe he could help-"

"I won't comfort you if this goes completely wrong. Just so you know." He says, taking his tray and leaving to serve his customers. "Jongdae-ah!" Jimin sighed and filled her tray with the orders of the boys, before walking over to their table.

"You just embarrased yourself. Again." Chanyeol said, after Jimin dissapeared to get their orders. "What's wrong with you, Hyung?" Junmyeon sighs. "I don't know. It seems like I can't act normal when she's around." Junmyeon is at a loss of words. It's awkward for him to admit it, but he thinks he has a little crush on Choi Jimin. "Guys, I think it was love at first sight. Now that I saw her a second time-"

"Junmyeon-hyung." Baekhyun said looking at Junmyeon with concern in his eyes. "You didn't even introduced yourself to her. All you do is stutter and look like a complete fool. Don't talk about 'love at first sight' if you don't know her!" Chanyeol and Kyungsoo nodded. "Baek's right." Chanyeol said and Junmyeon sighed looking towards the counter, seeing Choi Jimin walking to their table with a tray.

"Mianhe, for the wait." She bowed and started giving the boys their order. When she sets down Junmyeon's glass of water she looks at him. Waiting for him to say something. But he just blinks twice and looks down on his lap.

Jimin silently sighs, bows and leaves, while the boys shake their head at their friends foolish behaviour.

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