Chapter Two | Just a Crush

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The bulk of the pack had gone now that the meeting had finished, and May started to relax a little more. Hanging with Chad and Connor had been a mistake as the duo made to plans to play golf of all things. Bored, she was stuck there until her parents or Chad were ready to go bad that didn't seem like it would be anytime soon. Leaving the guys, she soon found Leanna with her brothers in the front room, while the remaining adults filled the kitchen to work out patrols and the best way to contact everyone at once.

The curfew didn't really affect May, but the others were clearly shaken by the disappearances of so many shifters. It wasn't just in North either; packs all over the country were reporting missing people and now everyone was on alert. Their species had never been bothered like this before, at least not in recent memory so why these enemies made appearance, and who they actually were, was something everyone was now focusing on.

Eventually she ended up going to sit outside and messaging Tiffany, wondered how missed she would be if she decided to walk home. It was an easy trip, she'd done it a hundred time before, but what if the danger really was here too? And if it was, would one of these hunters even bother going after her?

Looking back inside, no one seemed to notice she was even out there and so her parents wouldn't worry, she started to text her Mum to let her know she was going. Pausing to open the side gate, she carried on and started to walk down the driveway.

"Where are you going?" Caleb asked from behind her.

Instantly May stopped and startled, she nearly dropped her phone as she squealed and spun around. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

He only grinned causing a rush of butterflies to fill her stomach. "Sorry. What are you doing out here?"

"I'm going home." May answered, and kept going towards the street.



"Did you not hear a word of what was being said tonight?" He growled, moving to block her path.

"Yeah, but I'm not like you. Remember?" She challenged.

Caleb's face went blank as her words sunk in. He was already taller than May, yet as he tensed, he seemed to grow in size. Instinctively she moved so that they were facing off against each other, not willing to let him push her around now. Backing down had never been an option with Caleb, and despite how things were now between them, that wasn't about to change either. A tiny frown flickered onto his face; his words coming back to haunt him and he quickly moved on.

"They won't know that. I'm not going to let you just go off on your own."

"Careful Caleb. If anyone heard that, they might think you cared about me. Can't have that now can we?" May taunted, stepping around him and going out the front. "Besides, I'm sure being taken would fix a lot of problems for you dogs."

It was intended as insult and taken as one as well. If there was anything to say to instantly annoy a shifter, it was to compare them to their distant canine cousins. May heard the growl, and knew she was only provoking him further. Thinking it had worked and he'd leave her alone now, she carried on through the maze of cars that remained.

"May!" He called, before suddenly he was right behind her. Grabbing her arm he pulled her to a stop; yet the shock from having him touch her, left May stumbling into his front instead of just stopping and he caught her easily.

They both froze.

It had been nearly a year since they'd spoken this much, or been so close. It was almost too much for May, and yet she couldn't force herself to move away. Equally as affected, Caleb just stood there and as she slowly looked up at him, there was no denying the feelings he'd been ignoring for so long. It was cliche how they went from childhood companions to best friends, before realizing their feelings were a little less platonic than first thought. Only it wasn't meant to be.

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