Chapter Twenty Five | Losing Hope

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Something grabbed onto Caleb's fur, snapping him awake instantly before he was able to process the touch was nice rather than painful or unwanted. Looking around, he scolded himself for falling asleep, but thankfully nothing had changed while he had. May was still safe beside him, her fingers threaded through the fur along his side as her nails brushed against his skin. He gently nudged her cheek, whining slightly as he wanted her to wake up and this time she did. Her eyes didn't focus right away, squinting as her free hand moved to cover her face. A tiny groan left her as she moved her hand to the cut on her head.

"Caleb?" She whispered, sounding completely confused. All he could do was whine again, but that was enough as she nearly knocked him off the edge of the frame - her arms wrapping around his neck as she buried her face into his fur. "They found you!"

Her shoulders shook with each sob and his fur became matted from her tears as she held onto him. Then the wolf was gone, and it was the human she clung to now as he managed to maneuver her around to be cradled against his chest as he sat against the wall. His arms were like a vice around May, not quite sure what would happen next, but positive she wasn't going to be leaving his side.

"No May." He rasped. "They, found, you."

"What?" She tensed then, lifting her head up to face him she saw the wall and whipping her head around, took in the cell. "Oh no. No!"

Fumbling out of Caleb's hold she got up, swaying as her body protested her movements as the drugs hadn't quite worked out of her system just yet. He was there, instantly steadying her as she made a run for the door.

"May." Caleb called, keeping close behind her as she stared out at the nothingness of the corridor. "Calm down."

Wide eyes spun around to look at him in a mixture of horror and disbelief. "You're not rescued."

"Not quite." He paused, coughing until he had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Oh Caleb. I'm so sorry." May made him sit, waiting until he had his breath back as it wasn't as though she could get him a glass of water or something to soothe his throat.. "It wasn't meant to happen like this."

"What are, you-" He started only to have May shush him.

"Don't talk, what happened to you? I mean, just rest okay. They'll find us." She assured him and raising his eyebrow, she knew he doubted that. "No, I mean it."

May leaned in close to his ear, telling him about the implant in her arm and how their parents are probably already on their way. Looking at her watch, she frowned as it wasn't on her wrist and feeling around her jacket pockets, she had nothing in them. Of course she didn't, they weren't going to leave her with a phone and purse. Caleb took her hand and pulled her back down beside him, kissing the top of her head as she settled in at his side. Then May started to talk, from what happened the night he was taken to how his mother was - everything she had done to try and help, from planting the bugs to practically joining the Collectors.

"Then I woke up here." May finished, frowning as he dropped her hand and stood up. "Caleb?"

Anger radiated from him in a way she hadn't seen before and May stayed put as he paced in front of her before he growled at her. "What were you thinking?"


"Staying with that, that, asshole! I've been gone for weeks and you've been, with him?"

"No, it wasn't like that. Everything I was doing was to find you!" She argued, forgetting to keep her voice down. Of all the times for Caleb's voice to start coming back, it had to be now so he was able to yell at her. "We destroyed another facility, worked out what they poisoning us with, found their meeting locations and-"

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