Chapter Seven | Battle Lines

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"That's a negative. Facility three has been wasted."

The call was disconnected and silence filled the office. No one moved, breathed - their mood sour at the turn of events that saw more than thirty of their comrades murdered and a research facility destroyed. It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

"Sir, I fear we have underestimated-" One of the younger recruits started, yet he was promptly silenced by a single glare.

"Fear nothing. Let them think we are beat, and when they least expect it, we will strike back. Everything is to remain in place."

Nervous glances were exchanged across the glass table. After the night's events, it was clear these monsters were smarter than expected and reviews would be required with all their practices.

"Sean Burland raised the first alarm. We should be thanking them for taking out our weak links." The leader finished.

"What if he told them-" Another spoke up, unable to stay quiet.

"Facility 3 only knew of Facility 3. We keep corpses there for research he knew nothing about. Burland had his chance yet his attempt of retrieving what should have been an easy target, failed. It was one of the creatures we believe to have had a human parent." His disappointment was obvious. "Instead he made himself a target and is to blame for everything that happened tonight. Remember that. You're all dismissed."

He had almost believed himself just then, passing on the blame to someone who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. How Sean had been found was beyond him, and they really had underestimated the creatures. Because of that, facility three would forever be on his conscious. The only upside was that the creatures didn't know about the rest of the organisation and until he was ready, they could go and celebrate their victory while they had it.

As everyone left the office, the older man sighed and brought up what footage they had of glimpses of wolves, of abominations, monsters - attacking Burland. It was like they knew the camera was there and the duo who stalked the man, toyed with him before going in for the kill - had done it all for the benefit of anyone who may happen to watch.

"This isn't the end demons. You may have won this battle, but I will win the war."


Sunday didn't hold the same cheer or relief of Saturday. While breakfast had already been started by the time May went downstairs, there was no laughter or happy chatter. She found her Mum sitting with Chad in the front room, both holding their coffees close as they stared blankly at the TV Harry was watching. Taking a deep breath, she went into the kitchen to find Nate and Leanna whispering to one another at one end of the table while Caleb sat alone staring at his breakfast.

"Morning." May greeted, moving over to the stove to hug her grandmother.

"Hello darling. Sleep well?"

"Good enough."

Some kind of bacon and egg casserole was sliced up and put on a plate for her, and hesitating May chose to sit on Caleb's end of the table. The other two didn't even seem to notice she had come down.

"Your Dad phoned, they're checking something out, but will be home later tonight." Caleb mumbled.

"He did? They're okay?"

He nodded. "Didn't say much, but they're okay."

"Looks like Mum's still got it." Nate added, happily drinking his juice. "And now things can go back to normal."

Leanna and May dared to glance at each other and the younger girl looked away quickly, clearly feeling guilty. Instantly May felt agitated, knowing it was only a matter of time, probably when it was just the two of them, that Leanna would say she was sorry for what she said but May didn't want to hear it. Just like Caleb, these people were not really her friends - not so long as she wasn't like them.

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