Chapter Sixteen | What She Saw

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Thanks to a staff meeting and May's inability to sleep, Chad and May got to school before the carpark was already crowded and the home room siren had sounded. The last of the cleaners were just packing up as Chad let her into the staff office and leaving May at his desk, he headed into the conference room because despite being ridiculously early for the school day, he was still late for the meeting. The only staff invited for this gathering were shifters, as they needed to finalise who was in charge of what in regards to keeping the school safe for the pups and they also knew Chad, more importantly May were rarely on time to anything in the morning.

Being left alone, May started off by catching up on some homework she hadn't done the night before, though she didn't dare tell her mother about it. At seven thirty, Caleb sent her a message hoping she has a nice day and from that point on, homework was the last thing on her mind. Sitting back in Chad's chair, May thought about what she would say to Josh. It's not you, it's me seemed too cliche. Friend zoning could be an option, only they had every class together so she didn't want it to be awkward. Yet there was also the nagging feeling that doing this now, would be a mistake. Of course that was ridiculous. The mistake was even trying to start something new because she wasn't over Caleb. She'd been trying to deny those feeling still existed for months but she'd always been a terrible liar - even to herself.

She idly looked out the window, hating the situation she got herself into when she saw the delivery truck pull up behind the cafeteria. It wasn't that there was anything strange about that, but as she watched the two men open up the back of the truck, May realised she knew them. Instantly she thought of the people Josh had been talking to at the party, and while the white jumpsuits looked a little different to the casual swim shorts they had been wearing that night, May knew it was them. Before she knew what she was doing, May left the office and was slinking around each corner like a spy on a mission.

Never had she relied on her senses as much as she was now. Every sound was processed, each scent she inhaled was put into a section of her memory she didn't know she even had. Ever sure footed, each step was subconsciously planned before it happened, with her body tense and ready to attack or flee. Nearing the back of the cafeteria, May stopped and listened. A quick glance around told her there was no one around to warn them of her position and holding her breath, she inched closer to the corner. Slowly she exhaled, completely calm and yet there was a growing excitement inside fueled by a fear she didn't understand.

"I'm so itchy. Where the hell did you find these?" One of the men groaned.

"Second hand store. All I could do on short notice!" The other answered.

"Do you think this is a bad idea? Targeting their young again is only going to make them angrier." The first didn't hide his fear and even being so far from them, May could smell it as easily as she could the freshly cut grass.

"That's the point idiot. They'll be too distracted to notice what's really going on."

Before running off to Chad, May dared to peek around the wall and found the men disappearing inside. Slowly, she creeped closer, and seeing the cold storage boxes in the back of the truck made her stomach sink at what that could possibly mean.

"What happened to Alex and Chris?" May heard the cafeteria manager, Debbie ask.

"Car accident yesterday. They're okay, and got a couple days off while the truck gets fixed." One of them answered.

"That's a relief. Chris has his wedding next week!"

"Yeah. Be right back, just got a couple more boxes for you!" May froze, quickly reading the box for its contents before ducking down behind the bin as they came back out with a trolley. "Think she knows what kind of demons she's feeding?"

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