Chapter Fifteen | Second Chance

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Braydon and Bianca looked over what was proving to be rather useless information. It was all that Connor had managed to find, only helped by one of the vans that had been used was able to traced heading out of town. The downside was it had turned up earlier that morning as a burnt out wreck at the side of the road. Thankfully there was not a mass of bodies in the back, but again they were left with nothing.

"When I left the wild, I was amazed at how technology had changed. It took barely weeks to not only find, him, but track his movements and those of his pack. Now with all of the new advanced stuff out there we can't even find a these bastards. I've told Connor to stop, he needs a break." Bianca sighed.

"So do you." He frowned. "Difference was, back then you knew who you were hunting. What do we know about these people? They can hide themselves, their scent and clearly have some kind of training. Even Google needs more to work with than that."

She raised an eyebrow, not appreciating his attempt at humour. "What are we going to do?"

"I really don't know. Until they let something slip again, what can we do?" It was then they heard the scream from the backyard; high pitched and full of surprise, making Braydon's stomach drop. "May!"

Braydon didn't wait for Bianca, practically jumping down the whole staircase as he sprinted to the backdoor, yet Miranda was there blocking his way with a giant grin was on her face. Again May screamed, and this time it was followed with an uncontrolled fit of laughter. Braydon's heart was pounding as every inch of his body was on alert and Bianca wasn't much better as she slipped to the kitchen window while Miranda was doing all she could to hold Braydon back.

"Calm down, it's nothing!" She assured them. "Look!"

Fighting the urge to pick up his mate and move her to one side so he could then break down the door Braydon forced himself to look and this time it wasn't so much a scream, rather a squeal that May made. Other laughter came this time - slowly filtering through the adrenaline created haze of his brain.

"What the hell is happening?" Bianca gasped.

"They come home like this." Miranda told her, finally letting go of Braydons arm. "Chad asked them to wash his car for ten dollars each, and off they went no arguments. Nothing. They all just went out there and started to do it!"

All three adults watched their pups in the yard. They were all soaked, and a rather smug looking Nate held the garden hose like a sword, poised to strike at any moment. Leanna held a bucket of soapy water, the sponge in her hand raised above her head so the bubbles ran down her arm as she faced off against her sibling. Before she could throw it at him, the hose hit her in the face and this time the squeal was from her as May was too busy running towards the side of the house with Caleb after her - a soapy bomb of his own ready to be sent her way.

"I don't understand?" Bianca watched in awe as Caleb launched the sponge at May, hitting her in the middle of her back. She quickly stopped, and snatched it up before Caleb could get it off her and despite have the bucket, he froze. "They're all getting along?"

May grinned wickedly at Caleb, her blonde hair darker now it was wet and in clumps around her face. He held his hands up as if in surrender and as she charged, prepared to hit him with the sponge, he grabbed the edge of the bucket. All of them could see what was about to happen before May, and sure enough as she got close enough, he threw the fresh, clean water all over her. She stopped, arms at her side as it rushed down her body. Proud of himself, Caleb nearly slipped over as he was laughing so hard and as Leanna wrestled the hose off Nate, May launched herself at Caleb. He was tackled down instantly and seeing that, Leanna was there was the hose as she and Nate joined forces against the pair.

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