Chapter Eighteen | Gone.

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Looking more like a content cat than ferocious wolf, Caleb sat grooming himself with suppressed rage and slight embarrassment. Apparently getting your ass kicked by your mother, despite her tough reputation and alpha position, made everyone else think you were an easy target. Getting pinned down and forced to stay down by Bianca left Caleb feeling like a child who had been sent to the naughty corner in front of all his friends. It also had the wolf reaching a new level of pissed off as the not so playful nips, rough knocks and yaps of laughter that followed made him want to take them all out and make sure they knew he wasn't one to mess with.

Well, he had tried, and that was why he now sat sulking on his own, licking his front left leg which was now marked with the evidence of Bianca losing control. This had been a bite, not a nip or a slight tug - a sign her patience was non-existent and he had to remember his place. It didn't hurt, not anymore at least. It had surprised Caleb - part of her intention, and if not for the fact they were about to hunt down the people who had threatened May - the bite would have been enough to have him turn on her completely. He wouldn't always beneath her, and she should remember that he was heading towards his prime. The animal would demand her submission soon enough.

Caleb paused from licking his wound, shaking his head to try and get that thought of it. She was his mother first, alpha second and despite what idea's the animal had, he refused to think that way. He only challenged his parents simply to fight; Nate couldn't give him what he wanted, there were few who could and their punishment was what he craved, more than fuelling his ego that he actually stood a chance at beating them one day.

Standing, there was no tenderness in his limb now as it took his full weight. Moving forward, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Almost, because as soon as he rejoined the small group Bianca growled as she met his gaze. He held it for a heartbeat, before slinking closer to her - his tail low and close against his back legs as it wagged uncontrollably while he rubbed against her side. He nudged her muzzle, licking under chin before she lightly grabbed his. Just as quickly, she accepted his apology, head butting him softly as the pair closest to them slunk away.

They had come to observe. The pack knew what they were expected to do and did it. Caleb had been lectured for a good twenty minutes before setting out he was to stay with Bianca at all times. She had hoped being out would improve his mood, and she knew she couldn't baby her boys forever. So far she only regretted her decision to bring him, because as expected he chose to run at the front of the pack, ignore her and well, be a jerk. Guilt filled her gut, worry she had been too hard on him, yet her wolf was constantly in her mind; watching, waiting and not prepared to be shown up by anyone - not even her own son. Staying low, Bianca shifted and Caleb followed her lead. There was no apology now, no acknowledgement of what had happened between them - now wasn't the time or place.

"Theres the truck." Bianca pointed out, not that it wasn't obvious.

It sat on it's own in the dimly lit carpark, seperate to the other delivery vehicles. The wire fence surrounding the property wouldn't be easy to get through in wolf form, much too high to jump and reaching out, she felt the concrete base that made digging pointless. They had nothing to cut it with either and despite being able to climb it in human form would it be worth the risk?

"This doesn't feel right." Caleb whispered, a sense of unease coming over him.

"We found it too easily, no guards. Chad said it was meant to be a distraction, but for what?"

"If we can get the delivery guys, we can find out." He decided.

"Without knowing what's in there, we could just be walking into a trap." Bianca sighed. "But we don't really have any other choice. Unless..."

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