Chapter Eleven | Welcome to the Pack

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Standing outside the hotel, May tried calling Eli. No one was around thanks to it being well past midnight except for one tired looking doorman and a receptionist who was constantly walking past the door to stare at them. Braydon and Bianca talked quietly beside her, yet she struggled to hear what they were saying and she was too tired now to really care. The twenty minute car ride had sent her to sleep, and May was struggling to wake back up. Of course that changed when Eli answered.

"Are you here?"

"Yeah." She yawned, failing to stop or hide it. "What floor are you?"

"I'll come down. Wait."

May rolled her eyes, and didn't bother repeating what he said as they had heard anyway. Cold, she inched closer to her Dad. Without a word, he put an arm over her shoulders, giving her a tiny squeeze of a hug too. Resting her head on his chest, her eyes once again fought to close and winning, May found herself jumping awake as she heard someone running. Her father's hands stayed on her shoulders, steadying her.

"May, she's getting worse." Eli sobbed, slightly breathless. Gone was the cool, calm and collected guy from earlier. His dark hair was a mess, and if May thought she was tired, he looked like he was ready to collapse. "Help, please!"

"Eli, I'm Bianca Miller, Alpha of this region. Can you take us to her?" She asked gently, as if sensing how fragile he was and not wanting to break him.

"Just you three are here?" He asked nervously.

"Just us. This is my Dad, Braydon." May introduced.

"Come on." He led through the lobby to the elevator and using the keycard, took them up to the third floor.

Bianca followed Eli, while Braydon held May back as he checked the corridor before keeping her in front of him. It was Bianca who went into the room first too, and the soft cries from inside had May moving in yet her father stopped her until Bianca called them in. The room was small, yet the tiny living room still managed to fit in a tv and computer desk. May froze as she saw Selena on the sofa. In the orange lamp light her skin still managed to look pale and Eli dropped down to her side to gently dab her forehead with a small cloth.

"She was in pain before, holding her stomach. Just before you got here she went quiet, and now is hardly moving. I don't know what to do." He looked up at them begging.

"We can't do anything for her Eli, but I know a doctor we can go to." Bianca told him, and explained what was going to happen now.

Again the crying caught Mays attention and nudging her Dad, he followed her towards one of the closed doors. Braydon kept her back, before swinging it open and two small faces stared up at them from the bed completely terrified. The girl looked slightly older than the boy, both wouldn't be teenagers yet and May moved around Braydon to sit with them.

"I'm May, we're here to help your sister." She smiled. "What's your names?"

"I'm Amy. This is Brock." The little girl introduced.

"This is my Dad, Braydon." May told them as they looked at him unsure.

Eli came in then, grabbing a bag and dropping it in front of the pair. "Get dressed. We're going."

Instantly they scrambled into action and May followed her Dad back out to where Bianca was on the phone, calling the hospital. She quickly finished and put her hand to her forehead, taking a few deep breaths.

"We'll get Selena to the hospital, then we can work out the rest."

So that's what they did. Eli sat in the back with his sister, while Braydon drove and Bianca just stared blankly in front of them, lost in thought. May had the hardest job though, choosing to sit with the younger siblings. She asked them questions about school, the movies they liked and their favourite ice cream. There wasn't time to think too much about what was going on in the seats behind them - she even earned a laugh out Amy.

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