Chapter Thirteen | Brother to Brother

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Nate and Caleb kept to the back corner of the large shed. Both found it strange to be at Dean's house and not see him. His scent was fading, yet even now in the busy area it was like his presence was still around, which Nate at least found comforting. Caleb just wanted to leave.

"So, what's made you a ray of sunshine this evening?" Nate asked, waving at a couple of girls who had just come in. Of course Caleb didn't answer him. "You're even harder to be around than usual."

"Thanks." He muttered.

"You know you can talk to me right? I know you want to, twins remember?" He elbowed his brother to get his attention, yet both stopped as the crying woman and her husband walked in. "Who are they the parents of?"

"David." Caleb thought about the last time he had seen the other shifter and keenly scanned the room for the others that had been giving May a hard time. Brad and Paul sat near the front, looking as devastated as they all did. Jake was missing too, and it didn't give him the satisfaction he was hoping it would.

It was then their mother stood up, and the murmuring crowd silenced with only the odd sobs breaking the quiet. The spill was the same as what was often opened with. The pack will prevail, we will not be beaten, and Caleb stopped listening. With his brother distracted, whispering with a couple of their friends, clearly just as interested Caleb slipped away and went and sat outside.

'You should have told her.'

Groaning, he put his head against the cool metal of the shed and using all the energy he had, forced the wolf back. It was always the same thing; say sorry, tell her, go to her. Well, it was a bit late now wasn't it.

"Mum will be pissed if she knew you were out here." Nate interrupted, flopping down beside Caleb.

"Think I care?"

"No." He sighed. "You're making me feel all, weird. Tell me what's going on and I won't even tell them you've gone right away."

Caleb glanced at his mirror image, and during times like this he hated how well they knew other. Worse than that, he hated how Nate was back on his case about talking, wanting to be there for him and all that other lame stuff that made him sound like their parents. Six months ago Caleb had snapped which resulted in the siblings fighting - more than the usual playful rumbles and Nate had backed off. Now Caleb knew he had two choices, do that again or give him what he wanted, neither of which held any appeal.

"What makes you think I'm going anywhere?"

"Intuition." Nate smirked.

It was then four others slipped outside, the two girls giggled as the guys with them growled to shut up. Yet as soon as they saw the twins, they all froze in shock - worried they'd been caught. It didn't last and a big grin appeared on one of the boys as he moved towards them.

"What are yous doing out here?" Tom asked as Nate stood. The pair gave each other a fist bump, yet Tom's gaze stayed on Caleb.

"What are you?" Caleb asked, clearly not interested.

"Is that - Caleb! Hi! We never see you around anymore, even now you boys are back in town!" Jessica said cheerily. "How are you?"

He hadn't actually recognized her, since her dark hair had been lightened to a brownish blonde and the gangly, skinny teen was starting to change into a more fuller figured young woman. His mind worked quickly, trying to recall all he could about Jessica, soon remembering she was one of the girls who had always been nice to May when she hung around the twin's friends. There was even a time she had acted as her tutor when May had been having trouble at school with Math and Jessica had willingly offered to help the younger girl. Caleb smiled at her.

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