Chapter Four | Thirsty.

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Leanna said goodbye to Braydon and paused outside her front door. It seemed too quiet considering the chaos she knew would be waiting inside. The first thing she heard was her mother yelling, followed by her dad trying to calm her down. Nate gave her a wave from the front room as she passed and rather than hang around downstairs, Leanna went straight to her bedroom. She hadn't even managed to close the door when the last person she wanted to see appeared in the doorway, and dropping her bag beside her desk, she turned to glare at him.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, just came to see if you're okay. Did Braydon tell you about Dean?" He asked casually, daring to step foot into her room. "It's not good. Mum is a warpath, those fuckers don't know what they've started by hurting one of ours."

"Seems they're not the only ones. Get out Caleb." Leanna gave him a slight push towards the door only he didn't budge.

"What is your problem?"

"You." She growled, trying a little harder to move him this time with the same result. "Get. Out!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on!" He snapped back, confused as to why she was so upset with him. That was until he caught a whiff of May's scent on her. "What did she tell you?"


"Well obviously she said something to get you mad at me!" Caleb argued, his stomach sinking at the prospect of his sister knowing what happened.

"She didn't have to say anything about what happened between you two. The fact she has become non-existent in our lives was a big enough hint. She said you've sorted it out now, that's all, but she forgets how well I know her. I don't know what you did, but you hurt her and that's not okay!"

"You have no idea what you're talking about and you have no right to get all angry at me!"

"Just because I'm younger than you, doesn't mean I'm an idiot. Let me guess how it went. You two finally worked out you were something more than friends, then when she didn't change, you got on your high horse and acted like a total jerk over it. Of course, not shifting would  be devastating enough for her, but you just had to kick her when she was down and do whatever it was you did. Am I right?" She was shouting now, her finger poking him hard in the chest and as Caleb stayed silent, Leanna knew she was right. "I'm embarrassed to call you my brother, now get out."

"Lee, it isn't-" Caleb stuttered.

"Out!" She ordered, and as he stumbled backwards, she slammed her door in his face.

Leanna waited until his footsteps went down the stairs before taking a breath. She hadn't wanted to say anything to May last night because of Tiffany being there, and because she could knew how May felt. Her pain had been hard to ignore, the smell of it sickening to Leanna only it wasn't as bad as the embarrassment. How had her dad not noticed, though maybe he had. She remembered hearing her Mum talking to him and Miranda; just bits of overheard conversation as they tried to work out what to do to help their daughter. Leanna hadn't really thought too much of it before, more annoyed at how her friend seemed to have suddenly decided to end their friendship. She was wrong just now with Caleb, she was an idiot. Groaning, Leanna fell onto her bed and buried her head into her pillow.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nate closed her door behind him and moved to sit beside her on the bed. "Between you and Mum, there has been way too much yelling in this house today."

"Caleb is an asshole."

"Yeah he is. It's my fault, I took all the awesome genes."

"Do you know what happened with him and May?" She asked, sitting up beside him.

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