Chapter Twelve | Friends and Foes

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*Just quickly... I ended up fixing Chapter 11 so the whole thing was there, not just the early posting I accidentally did. Joys of a slow internet connection - I hit publish instead of save and walked away while it was loading, not realising what I did until later. Sorry about that x


Going downstairs, May found the house practically deserted. Her parents sat silently with Chad in the kitchen, while Amy and Brock were in the living room watching TV. There was nothing to give away anyone else's presence and May wondered how long she had actually stayed in the shower for. Passing by the window, it had to be late afternoon as the sun had started to grow dull with the coming night.

"Where's Tiffany?" May hated that it took her so long to ask about her friend.

"When we went home we took her back to her place too. Told her you were sleeping off a hangover of your own, so if she asks, you're grounded." Miranda got up and went to the fridge, taking out a plate of chicken, sausages and a pile of vegetables. "Hungry?"

"I'm starving." Already her mouth was watering at the prospect of eating. "But, weren't we going to tell her about the shifters?"

"We decided not too. She woke up headachy, had a few questions about the police showing up and Bianca decided to keep her in the dark. For now at least. Since we don't know what they know, we're hoping her innocence in all of this keeps her safe." Chad looked as tired as May suddenly felt - like the last few hours of sleep had never happened.

"Where is everyone?"

"Pack meeting. Connor is in the basement, doing whatever he does, Taylor is there to keep him company. Kyle had some luck and managed to get hold of the punch that had been poisoned too." Taking the food from the microwave, Miranda passed the leftovers to May. "For the next Alpha, he really needs to help Bianca with this. If he doesn't, it won't be long until he is challenged."

"Should have gone with Morgan. She's twice as smart as he is, I have no idea why Dean didn't choose her." Braydon dared to steal a sausage from May, earning a death glare from his daughter. "She will challenge him anyway. I have no doubt."

They were people May barely knew. While Bianca had always been like a silent partner to Dean, she and her family which included the Winters, rarely got too involved in what she thought of as his pack stuff. They had their own way of doing things and the shifters that lived locally, saw only Bianca and Cody as their leaders. He had never dared challenged for her or anyone else's submission, despite his territory practically being split into two halves. May had heard the stories of how he had come to be and without Bianca he wouldn't have had anything anyway. Now in times like this, they all came together as one. Technically, they were leaderless since Kyle wasn't ready to take on the responsibility, but of course Bianca would be in control of everything how it had always really been. Since Braydon had always been her and Cody's backup, it wasn't strange to hear him talk about the next generation of Alpha's like it could actually matter, but it was strange to have him around when something big like a meeting was happening.

"Why aren't you with them?" May asked.

"We've got other things to do." Braydon told her. "When you're done, we're going to head to the hospital. Eli and his family will be staying with us for the time being."


"That okay?"

May nodded. "Sure. Won't be strange at all. Why not take them to Amber's place?"

"The less travel and changes we make the better. If we head out to the farm, we could be leading danger straight to them. They have eight pups out there at the moment already, three who haven't yet gone through the change." Chad told her. "Once this is over, we can look at other options."

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