Chapter Twenty Four | Motivation

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Kind of a BIG chapter.. wasn't sure where to end it so just kept going. Also.. might get a little - gruesome. Hope it's okay xx


"I'm not your enemy Caleb." Doctor Brown smiled, and perhaps if they had met under completely different circumstance, Caleb might actually have believed that. "I want to help you."

"Right." Caleb scoffed, subtly pulling his arms towards the center of his body - testing the restraints that now kept him sitting on the bed. His muscles tensed, the pull this time more obvious as he wondered what it would take the break the leather.

"I know what you're thinking."

"I really doubt that." He growled, meeting the doctor's gaze. He'd noticed how uncomfortable that made him, so did it every chance he got.

"You're thinking about her, aren't you?"

Caleb rolled his eyes. He was, May was never out of his head for long, and since this idiots arrival, with his random bits of May's things filling his cell with her scent, it was growing harder and harder for him to hide how much it really was messing with his head. He'd wake up positive she was with him, any of the blonde staff that went by his room had him pining for her - yet he had made the mistake a couple of days ago during their first meeting by letting the doctor know this was his weak spot.

Since then, he'd felt stronger and more in control. Sitting in the corner wishing for it all to be over wasn't the kind of person his parents had raised him to be and any time the flutter in chest occurred, he was starting to wonder if maybe he and May still held some kind of bond with each other. The flicker of emotion or a thought that wasn't his could only be hers and so even now as he faced off against the doctor, he thought only of warning her away. Any help she tried to provide wouldn't end well, and there was no way this jerk's only intentions were of waving around a few sweaters to mess with his head.

"No, unfortunately my thoughts are all about you." Caleb smirked then. "And all the ways i'm going to destroy you as soon as I get free."

Doctor Brown swallowed nervously, the slight change to his scent revealing his fear that perhaps the so called monster before him might actually do that. For added effect, Caleb once again tensed and pulled against his restraints, the clink of metal on metal from the wall loudly echoing as the room was so quiet.

"Well, if you were to say, change to your werewolf form, perhaps you could achieve that?" The doctor asked smoothly.


Why they wanted him in his wolf form was something Caleb hadn't worked out just yet. He refused to change, and the animal seemed to agree. It felt as though the connection he had the wolf was barely there and anytime he worried too much that it had gone - he'd feel the presence in his mind that set him at ease.

"Why is that Caleb? Most willingly change, I believe it helps you heal faster and if that shoulder of yours is anything to go by, I'd think you are in need of that desperately."

Caleb snorted, not willing to answer his questions. "So now my wellbeing is of your concern? How about you let me out of here and we'll see whether I shift or not?"

"Unfortunately, you'll have to be a little more, obedient, before we even consider letting you out this cell, let alone the facility. Though, give it time and I am sure you will be more than willing to oblige us."

"Why do you even want me to shift?"

"I don't know the whys of it all Caleb. I just do what I'm told and right now, that's to get you to change. We know you can, we've seen it. We also know you must still be able to because we've had things like you turn completely human before and you are not displaying any of their symptoms." He smiled as his voice trailed off, seeming get lost in a memory that Caleb had no interest in hearing. "Then there are the ones that turn feral, giving themselves over to the beast so that there is simply no human left."

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