Chapter Thirty | Call of the Wild

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Nate and Caleb watched Bianca disappear down the concrete slab of a drive way, and even Miranda who lacked their enhanced senses could feel the stress coming off the other woman. She hid the worry in her eyes terribly and instinctively Nate reached out and grabbed Caleb's arm, just before he took a step after their mother.

"Just, give her a minute." He told him softly, and Caleb felt the shake of his grip.

"Fine. A minute." Caleb reluctantly agreed, turning to face his brother he gave him another hug. "I've missed you."

Nate didn't answer. He simply tightened his hold and neither stopped the few tears that followed. After a few minutes they parted, self consciously wiping eyes and daring a smile as the relief that they were back together and it was over, started to sink in. Of course it wasn't that simple, and Caleb wasn't naive enough to think life could just pick up where he had left it - neither was Nate but the comfort and security they found in each other's presence gave them hope that might actually be possible one day.

"How are the others?" Caleb asked hesitantly, knowing a little from what May had told him when she arrived.

"Ah, well Henry is a tough little guy. He's been helping keep the kids amused, helping out where he can. They're all at May's grandparents now, Leanna too. She's ah, well, she'll be happy to see you." Nate told him with a forced smile.

Caleb looked at Miranda who still stared where Bianca had disappeared. The urge to tell her something reassuring was there, but he couldn't find it in himself to say the words they both wanted to hear. It was hard to focus on even trying to come up with a comforting lie, Nate's words falling on deaf ears as the internal struggle with his wolf flared back to life.

"I'm going in." Caleb told the pair, barely managed to avoid nate's hold as he once again went to stop him.

"Just, wait." Nate begged.

"She'll be back, with May and Braydon." Miranda said instantly; her voice too high pitched to sound certain. "They're okay."

"Yeah. They're probably just getting fed or checked out. The doctor to shifter ratio is a bit out." Nate nervously began to ramble. "Have you eaten? You should. I mean you're looking better than I was expecting, not that that means anything, it's gotta be like hell in there. Should you even be out here or do you need a doctor? Did they clear you, not that you shouldn't be outside after being inside, but I - Sorry, I mean, I just, are you hungry?"

Caleb glanced his way briefly. "I'm not hungry."

All around people were moving. A helicopter landed a few meters away distracting them for a moment as two stretchers were loaded in. Caleb shuddered as his mind tricked him, his fears growing as he thought of those survivors being taken to another facility where their suffering wouldn't end. Of course that wasn't happening, but he struggled to fight the urge to go over there and save them before they were taken away.

'Stop standing here! You need to go!' The impatient growl echoed louder in Caleb's head than the sound of the retreating helicopter and closing his eyes, he tried to calm himself down before he lost his mind. 'Something is wrong. Don't you feel it?'

He did. It was more than the makeshift camp behind them, the unease of having the soldiers around and the sick, confused and crying wandering around in a daze as they were directed to sleeping quarters, or more medical. Some were passed phones to speak to their loved ones, but there was something else happening. Something important and Caleb couldn't fight the wolf anymore. It was right - he had to go. But where?

"Caleb? Hello?" Nate's hand on his shoulder made Caleb growl and moving away, he felt like he was about to be sick. "What's wrong?"

"Caleb." Miranda stopped him now, her presence the calm he needed for those few brief seconds to try and work out what was going on. "Go."

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