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Today's the day we have to break camp. I'm sad the festival is ending, but it was awesome while it lasted. The one thing I wasn't sad about was packing up the tent, since that was the only thing we had to do. All these other chumps had an entire house to set up. We just took down the tent and beat traffic.

"Kelsey!" Dan's voice called from behind me as I was folding the support poles to fit back in the tent's carrying bag.

"Oh, hey, Dan," I smiled as he approached. "What's up?"

"You guys packing up?"

"Yeah, we're almost done," I looked back at Rose, Celeste, and Lexi as they folded the tarp part of the tent. "Do you guys need any help?"

"That'd be great," he smiled.

"I'll be right there, let me just finish this," I squatted back down to finish folding the poles.

"Here, let me help," Dan offered and squatted down to help me finish.

"Oh, thanks," I blushed slightly.

"Are you still up for showing us around?"

"Of course!"

"Good," Dan smiled and I felt my heart flutter a little. He was too damn cute with his slight stubble that barely hid his dimples and the slight hint of freckles that dotted the skin around his nose and the way his blue eyes perfectly brought his features together. He was so beautiful, it almost hurt to look at him.

It pains me to know that no matter how much I convinced myself that I was normal, I could never actually be normal. I could never have a normal life. No normal kids. No normal job. No normal senses. No normal relationship. That's the thing that scares me most. I can never find a good guy that's a werewolf. I don't even know where to find another Pack. Not that they would take me in anyway. I'm sure Mason and Keenan have made sure the entire werewolf world knows about me and my mother and they're waiting to take us to Mason the moment they see us. The Black Moon Pack has a nasty reputation.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Dan asked suddenly.

"Nothing, why?" I shook my head, clearing it.

"You were just staring off into nothing. I just thought there was something on your mind." Dan turned slightly red in embarrassment and looked down at his shoes.

I felt the corners of my mouth twitch into a little smile that Dan didn't see. "Well, you want me to help you pack up your tent?"

"Uh, yeah," Dan hesitated, but nodded.

I followed behind him awkwardly to his tent. He went to the opposite side of the tent from me as we started packing it up. As I was taking the tarp off the frame, someone walked up next to me and started helping me.

"What's up between you and Dan?" Kyle whispered.

"What? Nothing."

"I saw what just happened over at your tent."

"Oh..." I answered quietly.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I don't know," I lied. This was all because I'm a werewolf and I can't get that simple thought out of my head. All of my senses were clogged with this thought. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't see past who I was and see myself as a person.

What's wrong with me? I've never had this problem before. Was it Dan? Was it shifting for the first time in years? Was it just me being weird?

"Kelsey," Kyle whispered suddenly. There was almost a harsh undertone to his voice.

"Yeah?" I whispered, my voice even quieter than before. I didn't know that was even possible.

"I think you're a cool girl, I really do, and I don't think it's right for you to not know this."

My head spun. What the hell? Is one of them a supernatural too? "What's wrong?" I asked after a moment of hesitation.

"Dan really likes you. He may not show it, but he does," Kyle shrugged. "And I admittedly like Lexi."

"Seriously? You like Lexi?" I looked up at him and smiled. Then, I mentally slapped myself. Kyle just told me Dan liked me and that was my response? I really am an idiot.

"Yeah, I do," Kyle nodded, chuckling a little bit. "Are you not even going to comment on Dan?"

"I'm just surprised about Lexi. She's like my sister," I laughed a little. "Anyway, Dan really likes me? Like no joke?"

"Yeah, no joke," Kyle nodded. "He told me last night."

I didn't respond, I was too busy glancing over to the other side of the tent. Will and Woody were over there helping Dan take down that side of the tent. Thankfully I didn't even have to strain my ears to hear what they were saying. They were talking just quiet enough not to be heard by the human ear. It's times like these when I'm happy that I'm not human.

"Dude, she likes you, stop worrying," Woody sighed.

"But what if she doesn't like me back? She's super awkward around me."

"Dan, does it ever get tiring to worry so much? It seems like that's all you do," Will sounded exasperated.

"Fuck off, mate," Dan muttered under his breath.

Kyle coughed a little at that moment, interrupting my concentration on their conversation. I must've been smiling when I was watching Dan. Dan looked up and I immediately looked down. I sensed Kyle nodding. I couldn't help but look up and saw Dan smiling broadly at Kyle. Our eyes met and I returned his smile.

Something inside me clicked when our eyes met. Maybe this could work out. But if I told Dan what I was, would he run from me? Would he be scared of me?

No. Dan isn't like that. Well, he doesn't seem like that. But, then again, people do weird stuff when the impossible suddenly becomes possible.

La Lune // Bastille (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now