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When we were walking back to the campground from putting our bags in the car, the slight breeze that had been blowing all morning suddenly switched directions. I wouldn't have thought anything of it, had it not been for the overwhelming scent I caught off it.

I stopped dead in my tracks, the color draining from my face. I knew that scent. The air reeked of dried blood and pine needles with a slight hint of decay. Kind of like what you would smell like if you don't take a shower for extended periods of time and also have a nasty habit of eating people.

"Kelsey? What is it?" Lexi walked up to me.

"Do you smell that?" I barely registered that I was talking.

"What? I don't smell anything," Lexi raised an eyebrow. My worst fears were confirmed. There was another werewolf here.

"Nothing. Go ahead, I'll catch up." I shook my head, trying to ignore the scent assaulting my senses.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go." I replied, looking sternly at Lexi. She knew that was my signal to get the hell out of the area, it was dangerous. Lexi nodded and swiftly turned on one heel to start walking. She grabbed Celeste and Rose by their arms and hurried off toward where the guys were packing up their things.

My senses switched into high gear and I sniffed the air around me, trying to determine where the smell was coming from. I stood in the middle of a weird circle thing of people splitting down the middle to walk around me. They must've thought I had gone insane. I was looking around and sniffing the air, furiously trying to figure out where the scent was coming from. I was studying people's faces, trying to see if I recognized anyone.

"Hey!" An unfamiliar man walked right up to me and grabbed me tightly by my arm. "What do you think you're looking at?" He snarled menacingly. The scent was coming from him. The smell assaulted my senses so strongly that I could almost taste the iron of the blood. I looked down, my eyes immediately trained on the tattoo on his left shoulder. It looked like an 'h' with added swirls. He was an alpha.

"I don't know. Who do you think you are?" I snarled back, feeling the slight pain of my teeth elongating and sharpening to a deadly point.

"You're one of us." He grip on my arm loosened slightly. "Who are you? You're intruding on Blue Pack territory."

"I was just coming to the festival." I raised my hands as he dragged me in a different direction. Fear entered my veins. I don't know who this guy is and I don't like this situation.

"Tell me who you are," he demanded as he threw me down by a log in a clearing.

"Why should I tell you?"

"I think it's in your best interests," he smiled cockily as several other people, who I'm assuming were werewolves too, walked up.

"I'm Kelsey." I glared up at them.

"Kelsey Reid?"

Oh, shit. "Yeah, what's it to you?" I tried to hide the fear in my voice.

"Stupid move coming out of hiding. Mason's been looking for you."

"Please, I just needed to get away from my abusive father. Please don't tell him where I am. Please." My tough facade melted into pure desperation.

La Lune // Bastille (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now