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"She can't be controlled, like the others, she's a risk."

"Not if she doesn't know that, She's one of our best candidates, we will just have to be extra careful to make sure she doesn't find out."

"And if she does?"

"Then we will just have to activate plan B."

"Plan B as in–"

"Yes, that plan B, now don't you have some other work to do?"

"Uh, ya probably."

"Then do it."


I wake up on top of  Minho's bed rub the sleep out of my eyes, thinking back to the strange dream I had just woken up from. It wasn't quite a nightmare, but it wasn't quite a pleasant dream either. Almost like a....
oh crap, Almost like a memory. I think,  then shake it off. No way that was a memory. My stomach growls and I remember I haven't eaten in almost two days. Well, I can at least get a drink.

I roll off of the bed, careful not to wake Minho, who still sleeps on next me. I smile and lay one of the blankets carefully over him, wrapping the other around my shoulders. Tiptoeing across the cold concrete floor, I quietly open the door and leave the room. There is no food waiting in the common room, though it didn't hurt to check. I walk into what was supposed to be the girls room and check the drawers. They are still stocked with fresh clothes and towels. I grab some and head to the shower.

My cuts and bruises have already begun to heal, fading reminders of the horrors I have endured. Unfortunately, I have the feeling there will be more to come.

"Skylar?! Where were you?" Minho yells when I finally wander back into the other room. "Why did you leave!"

"Calm down I just took a shower." I say, holding up my hands in surrender. Ever since Teresa's little disappearing act, he hasn't let me out of his sight.

"But I didn't know where you were." He replies, pulling me into hug. I laugh and hug him back.

"Ok, if it bothers you that much I'll leave a note next time." I snicker, "I'm not going to disappear you know." I say pulling away from him.

"Ya I bet that's what Teresa said too." He snaps. I look nervously at Thomas, who doesn't appear to have heard us, then pull Minho out the door into the common room.

"No, it isn't." I say, keeping my voice low. "Actually she seemed to know exactly what she was doing."

"Really?" Minho asks, glancing back at the door. He looks like he really couldn't care less about my conspiracy theories, but I'm guessing it will turn out to be important. I'd all but forgotten about the plaque until he'd mentioned Teresa's name.

I can't help stealing a few kisses now that we're alone, but eventually I nod, "she kept trying to convince us to stay, saying we were being ridiculous and that this wasn't WICKED."

"Hmm weird." He says, without conviction, trying to pull me back to him. I let him pick me up and set me on one of the tables, my legs wrapped around his waist. "Never did trust her," he comments, his lips tracing from my ear across my jaw. I should be frustrated that he isn't taking me seriously, but I'm having too hard of time concentrating with the way his lips feel against my skin.

"Did you see the plaque next to her door?" I ask, pointing to the far wall. He shakes his head and reluctantly walks over to read it.

"It doesn't even say her name?" He calls out.

"What are you talking about? Yes it does?" I say, climbing off the table and walking over to check it out for myself.

"Uh, no, it doesn't." He replies, pointing to the words on the plaque.

Aris Jones, Subject B1, the accomplice

"No way! It was just there yesterday?!" I shout, louder than I meant to. "That's impossible." This makes me even more suspicious of the new boy, he's been quiet ever since we found him. The other boys talked and at least tried to be friendly, although most of the gladers were wary at first. But not Aris, he'd kept almost completely to himself.

"Yep just like everything else that's happened." He says, running his hand over the tattoo on the back of his neck. A permanent reminder of how powerless we are against WICKED. "What did it say yesterday?"

"It said, 'subject A1, the betrayer.'" I say ,stunned at the change. Although I shouldn't be, considering everything that's happened so far.

"Well if she comes back we'll be careful." He says turning to walk back to the other room. "Sorry for yelling at you by the way, but do you still think I'm overreacting?"

"No, sorry for joking about it." I reply, shuddering at the thought of someone else disappearing.

"just tell me first next time, I won't get mad at you for waking me up."  He say, stopping to look me in the eyes.

"You say that, until I wake you up at four in the morning because I can't sleep." I reply, rolling my eyes.

"I'd still rather know where you are." He says, stopping at the door and for one last kiss. I smile a little and walk through, shaking my head. He really thinks I'm going to disappear.I watch as he goes over to discuss something with Newt. If I had to guess, it's probably about Teresa.

I sit down on a bed next to a barely awake Mal. "How's it going?" It feels weird to ask normal questions in such an abnormal world. I'm starting to doubt that we'll ever be normal again. When we were first rescued, I'd allowed myself to hope that it was all over, that we could live normal lives. Even if we had escaped WICKED, if the world is as bad as it seems, I don't think it would have been much better.

"I'm alive." Mal responds, sitting up next to me. "Barely." She sighs, "Barely, but still alive."

"Couldn't have said it better."

Steel and Stone [The Maze Runner (Scorch Trials) Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now