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The heat hits me immediately, the white hot sun beating down on every inch of uncovered skin. The wind whips at my clothes, clouding the air with bits of dust and sand. I shield my eyes with the back of my hand, trying desperately to get my bearings. All I can see in every direction is desert, with only one black dot standing out from the landscape.

"There." I announce, pointing out the speck on the horizon. "That might be something."

"Seems like a reasonable direction to travel, but if we walk in this heat we'll die." Newt replies, contemplating our options. Stay in the tunnel, and possibly die, walk in the heat....and possibly die. Neither are particularly good options.

"I say we risk it, it sure beats being trapped in that tunnel." Minho chimes in, glancing back at the hole we had just crawled out of. I don't exactly like the idea of going back down there, but I don't really like the idea of my skin burning off either.

"Well, you're the boss." Newt says, shrugging.

"And don't you forget it." Minho replies, with much more intensity than necessary. I roll my eyes, hopefully he isn't actually taking this leader thing that seriously.

"Everyone out, pair up, and use one bag for supplies, one to cover your heads." Minho instructs, as more and more gladers pour out of the tunnel and into the sunlight. Everyone shuffles about emptying out some bags and filling others. I watch as they scramble around, trying to find a partner. Assuming I'll be with Minho, I don't bother to join them. Once everyone settled I walk to the front, expecting to head out.

To my surprise, I find Minho paired up with Thomas, who seems to be trying to avoid someone. Though I'm not sure who. I sigh and look around, trying to find anyone doesn't already have a partner. The only two people left without a partner are Jess and James, neither of whom I want to walk with. How does this always happen to me? I wonder, trying to decide who to pick. My decision is made for me when Jess joins forces with two other gladers, leaving only James.

"Do you have a partner?" I ask, not exactly in a cheerful manner. He shakes his head. "Great neither do I." I state sarcastically, holding out my hands for the edge of his sheet.

"Ok!" He says, way too enthusiastically. He hands over his sheet, stuffing his water bottle and food into my backpack. I roll my eyes and sigh, this is going to be a long day.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Please shut up." I whine, dragging my feet along in the sand. "Please. Just. Shut. up." After nearly five hours of listening to James go on and on about his life in maze B, I'd heard enough. By now, the black dot had grown, and split into two separate dots, one beside the other.

"Oh sorry." James mutters, looking dejectedly down at his feet. "I–"

"It's fine, I'm just tired." I say, rolling my eyes. I am tired, but that's not why I want James to shut up.

"Oh yeah we all are I think." He replies, brightening at my false explanation. Whatever, let him think what he wants.

"I shucking hope so, maybe Minho will let us stop for a minute." I shout, trying to hint to Minho that it's time for a break. He either doesn't hear me, or decides to ignore me. I huff in annoyance and consider stoping anyways. Plopping down in the sand and refusing to move. I give up that idea when I think about our time limit, we need to cover as much ground as possible.

About an hour later, Minho finally  calls for a break. "Alright everyone, stop!"  He shouts coming to a stop under a lone dead tree. "We'll sleep the rest of the day, then run tonight."

"It's About shucking time." I mumble, collapsing in a heap on the ground. I fall asleep without even bothering to take a drink or remove my backpack.

Steel and Stone [The Maze Runner (Scorch Trials) Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now