See me

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I duck into an alley way, noticing an open door on the side of one of the buildings. Hesitantly, I glance around before sliding through the open door. The floor creaks when I step on it, and I freeze, terrified that something, or someone will hear me.

Suddenly I hear a commotion in the next room, a shuffling and then a crash. I grip my knife and wait anxiously for something to appear, but nothing does. Cautiously, I tiptoe towards the door, keeping my knife ready as I twist the handle.

The door squeaks on its hinges as I slowly pull it open, revealing an empty room, the only decoration a worn couch and a -now broken- lamp laying on the floor near a small table. I look around for what caused the crash, but find nothing. I scour the entire room, before sitting confusedly down on the couch. Something made the lamp fall, but nothing is here, and there are no windows through which something could have escaped. How is this possible?

I'm still pondering this when I hear a small squeak coming from below me. I pause, straining to hear the noise. This time it comes again, louder and clearer. I drop to my knees, leaning down to look under the couch. I cough as a puff of dust blows in my face, stinging my eyes and throat. It's too dark to see under the couch, but I can see movement, a small shape shifting back and forth in the dark.

Now intensely curious as to the source of the noise, I stand up, grabbing the bottom of the couch and tipping it over. It hits the floor with and echoing crash, pieces of wood splintering and flying across the room. I look down, anxious to find out what was crawling around under the couch.

To my surprise, what I find is a tiny kitten, sitting shaking in the center of the floor.

"Where's your mommy?" I ask out loud, crouching down to examine the tiny creature. The kitten lets out a tiny mew, fearlessly coming to rub up against my legs. The kitten is mostly white, with calico patches covering parts of its body.

"Aww." I coo, picking up the kitten and holding it. The kitten begins to purr, and curls up in my arms. Despite having almost no food and water, I can't help but decide to take the kitten with me.

"Okie dokie." I giggle, taking off my jacket and wrapping it around the kitten. I make sure the kitten is secure in my jacket, before opening my backpack and sliding it in. I zip the pack most of the way up, leaving only a small hole so the kitten can breath. To my surprise, the kitten doesn't protest, just snuggles in my jacket and goes to sleep.

I glance at my watch and realize I should probably head back to the group. The last thing I want to do is be around people, but I also prefer not to cause panic or have them come after me with a search party. Sighing, I carefully slide my backpack on and make my way towards the door. I'm about to exit into the alley when I hear a familiar voice from around the corner.

"What have I done?" It's Minho. At first I think he has somehow found me, but I quickly realize that he doesn't know I'm here.

"I shouldn't have said that." He says, talking -I assume- to himself. "What have I done?"

He falls silent for a moment, and I can picture him sitting alone against the brick wall, shaking his head and regretting what he's done. Good, he should regret it. I keep silent, hoping he'll continue. Luckily for me, he does.

"Do you think she can forgive me?" He ask no one in particular. Yes. I mentally answer. "Shuck it I'm an idiot." Ah, we agree on something. "If something happens to her..." He trails off. I feel incredibly guilty for listening in to his conversation, even if it is about me. I feel even more guilty for not stepping out and talking to him. I should, and I know I should, but I just can't bring myself to take the step. I can't bring myself to face him.

Suddenly, Newt's voice rings out, calling for Minho to get back to the group. "Minho! Get your shuck butt back here!"

"Ya, ya, I'm coming." Minho says, and I hear him stand up. I wait a few moments before stepping out, taking care not to make any noise.

Sadly, I walk out just in time to watch his back as he walks away. For some reason, even though I've watched him leave countless times under different circumstances, this time feels different. This time, watching him leave makes my blood run ice cold. An uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, like swallowing a lead ball. It's the fear that everything may never be the same between us again.

Patiently, I wait until he is distracted by Newt before returning to the group, slipping silently behind him and immediately making my way over to Mal.

"Oh, hey, where were you?" She asks, looking up from tying her shoes. Her face is red and sun burnt, and wisps of her long blond hair whip across her face, breaking free of her ponytail. I'm sure I too sport a sunburn, and I can only imagine the state my hair is in. My skin is dry and cracked, a result of the seemingly ever present sun.

"I was looking around." I reply mysteriously, giggling when I think about the kitten hiding in my backpack.  I know Mal will like the kitten, and we could all use a little morale boost. Especially when the extreme heat has tempers flaring. The group seems to be falling further and further apart every day.

Mal looks up at me suspiciously, "what's so funny?"  She asks. I put a finger to my lips and slide my backpack off, slowly unzipping it to show her what's inside. She squeals when she sees it, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Where did you find it?" She whispers, looking around to make sure no one else saw. Silently I point out the building where I had been hiding. "The one Minho just came from?" She asks with a smirk.

"He didn't know I was there." I say quietly, reaching down to pet the kitten. It meows in response, begging to be let out of the backpack.

"Oh." Mal says awkwardly, looking back down at my little stowaway. "Don't let Newt see that."

"How could he say no to such a cute face." I chuckle, taking the kitten out of my bag and setting it on my lap. It stretches out before once again curling into a ball. I smile, wishing I could be as carefree as the tiny kitten, too young and innocent to be afraid of the world. I vow to make sure nothing happens to it, maybe at least one thing in this world, will never know it has a reason to be afraid.

Steel and Stone [The Maze Runner (Scorch Trials) Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now