Into the abyss

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"Minho?" I call out, my voice echoing in the darkness. At first there is no reply, and I begin to panic. "Minho?! Where are you?"

"I'm here, I'm here, calm down, i'm just trying to figure out where here is." He finally replies, his voice echoing back from somewhere up ahead. I lean to the side until I come into contact with a rough stone wall, and though I can't see anything, I assume we are in some kind of tunnel. Suddenly someone comes through the flat trans, slamming into me and nearly sending me tumbling to the ground.

"Hey watch it."

"Sorry Sky." Newt snickers, grabbing my arm to gain his balance. "At least I know you're here."

"We should probably move before we get hit again." I reply, shuffling forward along the wall. The corridor is just wide enough for us to walk through single file. I hold my hands out in front of me to avoid running into anything. If I put them out to the side, Its small enough that I can touch both walls. It's so dark, I don't think I could see my hands, even if I held them directly in front of my face.

"Ya probably." Newt says, following along behind me. Suddenly someone else comes through the flat trans, and immediately I know it is Mal, her screams give her away even in the darkness.

"Where are you guys?" She asks, fumbling around behind us. I can hear her shoes squeaking against the slick floor beneath us.

"Over here Love." Newt answers, reaching back to grab her. Soon we are all edging forward in a straight line. At least the three of us are, I haven't heard from Minho and I have no clue where he's gone. I stop a few feet ahead, confident that we are far enough away to avoid anymore collisions.

Suddenly, a hand slams down on my arm. "Keep moving." Minho hisses, pulling me forward.

"Why?" I ask, startled at his sudden reappearance and threatening words.

"Can't you hear that?" He asks, sliding his hand down my arm and into mine.

"Hear what?" I ask, jogging to keep up with him as he drags me along. I tug on Newt's sleeve until he begins to follow us, bringing Mal with him.

"Just slim it and listen." He whispers back, pausing in the middle of the tunnel. I tilt my head to the side, straining to hear whatever is bothering Minho.

Turn back or die

It's so quiet I can barely make out the words, but once I've heard it twice, I'm confident I heard right. It's a warning, though a pointless one, we can't turn back now. Besides, Ratman said we would die if we stayed. Die if you stay, die if you leave, talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. "We can't go back." I whisper, shaking my head, even though I know they can't see me. "We can't."

"I know, that's why I want to get moving and get out of here." Minho sighs, squeezing my hand.

"Is everyone here?" Newt yells backwards into the tunnel entrance. "Number off!"

"Four" "Four."
"Hey! I'm four."
"No I'm four, your five."
"One at a time please!"
"Four." "Four."
"Ugh start over!"
"Come on guys this is bloody kindergarten stuff."

"...thirty-two." Thomas calls out, ending the head count. After about three tries, we had finally managed to get it right. Everyone is accounted for, and no one is missing. Despite the situation, I laugh at the way Newt sounds like a frazzled kindergarten teacher trying to keep track of his students.

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