Out of it

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Sky's POV

I startle myself awake, jolting up to find myself covered in sweat. I try desperately to shake the nightmare out of my head, but the image of Minho kneeling beside my dead body simply won't leave. I wonder if they already think I'm dead?

Slowly, I sit up to examine myself, shocked to be alive. I'm horrified by what I find. Burns cover my left arm and both of my legs, my clothes are torn to pieces, and my hair sticks out all over at odd angles. My ankle is definitely either broken or severely twisted, as it is swollen and dark purple. Despite how bad the injuries seem, I was expecting much, much worse. I'm all in one piece, I seem to be able to think clearly enough, I'm not currently bleeding and my heart is beating, so yeah, better than expected.

I wince in pain when I try to stand, my ankle throbbing in protest. Sighing, I sit back down, trying to figure out the best way to deal with my situation. I can barely walk, but there's no way I'm staying here. There are way too many things that could go horribly wrong out here alone.

Miraculously, Kay is still tucked in to the sling against my body and seems to be relatively unharmed. Her fur is spiked out, and one of her legs has minor burns, but I definitely took the worst of it. She mews in protest when I check her wounds, but doesn't try to run away from me. The storm must've scare her too. Both of us are soaked in rain, which pours relentlessly from the sky.

I tear another strip of fabric from my shirt, wrapping it tightly around my ankle. Standing up again I test it out, it still hurts, but it's bearable. Not like I have much of a choice, I have to find the others. My left arm is badly burnt and screaming in pain, but there's not much I can do about that. The sun is still low in the Sky, telling me that I wasn't out for long, though the clouds make it dark enough to be night.

So, tied up in strips of fabric and barely moving, I limp along, heading towards the general direction I know the buildings to be. It's slow going, and what would have usually been about a fifteen minute jog, takes nearly two hours. By the time I reach the buildings, I'm about to pass out. I survey the buildings, walking cautiously to the nearest one, when I see a dark shape standing in the doorway.

"Skylar?!" I hear his voice before I see him, but seconds later James is at my side. "Are you ok?!" He asks wrapping a tentative arm around my shoulders in an attempt to help me towards the building.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I reply, shaking him off. He doesn't look convinced but let's me go, just as another dark figure appears in the doorway. Drawn I assume by all the commotion.

"Sky?" A heavily voice accented voice asks in surprise, squinting against the rain.

"Newt!" I shout and run the best I can the rest of the way to the building. Newt surprises me by pulling me into a hug the second I reach the door.

"Thank goodness you're alright." He sighs, "I was having a bloody heart attack, and I would have had to tell Minho...."

"Where is the slinthead?" I ask, laughing in relief at his name.

"He's....." Newt glances over his shoulder, looking nervous. "He's out, he got struck by lightning, he's alive but–"

"Let me see him." I say, trying to push past Newt, but he stops me.

"I have to warn you, it isn't good." He says quietly."it was pretty bad." I nod quickly, more worried than ever. He finally lets me pass, with James following me in, much to my annoyance, before turning back again to lean against the doorframe, staring out into the pouring rain.

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