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Mal's POV

I watch Newt through the tears in my eyes, watch him standing in the door way, desperately waiting for them to come back. I know they won't, it's just too much to hope for. I think he knows that, deep down, whether or not he admits it. I'm every bit as upset as he is, but I can't have false hope. False hope hurts worse in the end.

I can't believe Skylar of all people didn't make it, I think as the tears stream down my face. She was my best friend, and the strongest person I've ever met. She was always there for everyone else, doing the impossible time and time again. She was the one who kept us all moving after the maze, kept us from giving up. It's the only thing that's stopped me from running back out there and begging the lightning to strike me. That and Newt, I couldn't leave him alone, he's already lost so much.

It takes at least an hour, but eventually, I cry myself to sleep.

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