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Wake up you lazy ass, there are things to do.

I silently battled with my mind as the baby slept next to me. I did not want to get up. I was in a funk, depressed, over the death of Lori, and the absence of Carol.

I had been taking care of the baby for te last couple days. Carl had been sleeping with me a couple times, as the baby slept in the make shift crib. This depression biz has not been easy on me.

I opened my eyes to find Carl at the crib, staring down at his little sister. I shifted position and Carl looked up. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, I was, just looking at her." I smiled slightly. "It's ok Carl." His eyes were red. "Carl, it's ok...." He started crying again and went straight for me. He hugged me as he cried into my (f/c) shirt.

He did this often. And I understood. It's not easy losing your mother. I patted his head and kissed his hair.

Soon, he fell asleep and I let him sleep in my bed. I picked up the whining baby and a bottle and left the cell.

I went into the other room and sat at a table, and began to feed her. She sucked it down and I made her burp. I felt like a mother. I've always wanted to be one. Guilt and uneasiness came to me.

She isn't mine, this baby isn't mine.

I felt my stomach twist. I'm caring for this baby, who isn't even mine, as if it's my own. I shook my head and stood up, cradling the infant in my arms. I swayed side to side as I sang a song.

The little one'a eyes began to droop, and soon, she fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and headed towards Beth's cell.
"Hey Beth, I need some fresh air, could you take care of the baby while I'm out?" I whispered. She looked up at me and smiled. "Sure thing, be careful." I nodded and handed her the baby.

I went an grabbed my holster, my pistol, and my knife and headed out.

I sniffed the air as soon as I shut the metal door behind me. I then headed to the field. To the graves.

I made my way through the grassy land and to Lori's grave, and knelt down.

"She's beautiful, healthy.... She even has your eyes."

I smiled.

"Rick is torn about this...we all are. Carl misses you, and Rick, more than anybody. And so do I. You were my best friend since this god forsaken world went to shit." I wiped a stray tear with my sleeve.

Wind blew past, making the chills on my skin enhance.

"Miss you Lori..."

I stood up and picked a flower, and then placed it on the grave.

After that, I headed back to the middle of the little meadow and sat down. I hugged my knees and stared at the sky.

I completely drowned out the sounds of the walkers at the fence. Making my fresh air, seem even more peaceful.

"Hey squirt."

My peaceful quiet was interrupted when a familiar voice rang out. "Hey Daryl." I said, not taking my eyes off the sky. I felt him sit next to me an wrap an arm around my waist. I blushed.

"What's on your mind?"

"What isn't on my mind." I chuckled. He smiled and kissed the side of my head. "I love you." He whispered against my head. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him.


I'm so tired of school and shiz guys 😭

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