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Me, Jack, and Daryl jumped up.

"What's going on!" I mumbled. More shots were fired and we ran to the building. When we got in, Daryl shot a walker clear in the head. The walker, now dead, was unfamiliar.

Some stragglers must've got in...

I sliced through two more before getting to where the cells were. Jack shot a few and headed up the stairs to the second level. "(Y/n)!" I whipped around and took down another walker. "Sorry Daryl!" He smacked my shoulder before stabbing a walker with one of his arrows.

This is a horrible time to be staring at him! Then it popped in my head.


Maggie is nowhere to be seen and I can spot two walkers heading to his cell. I bolt up the stairs. I kill two more walkers before getting to Glenn's cell. Jack was kneeling next to Glenn on the floor, his flashlight held between his teeth. "(Y/n)! He can't breathe! Get the mask!" He said looking at me. I nodded and looked around. I Noticed a breathing mask on one of the corpses. I ran over and grabbed it, not think twice, the walker attacked me and pinned me down.

"(Y/N)!" Jack shouted.

I groaned as the walker snapped continuously at my face. I gritted my teeth and brought my arm up to push the walkers head away.

But that was a big mistake.

It's head turned an sunk it's teeth into my forearm and pulled back. I screed in agony as my skin and muscle ripped apart. "(Y/N) NO!" I heard Jack scream. Tears spilled from my eyes as the walker then tried to bite my neck. Before it's teeth made contact with my skin once again, it fell on top of me.

I panted and shook, my arm bleeding profusely. The walkers body was then pushed off of me. I started to cry an my body began jolting forward in shock. Jacks hands cupped my face. "It's gonna be ok! You are going to live, you are going to live!" I closed my eyes as my body jolted once more. Jacks hands left my face and went somewhere unknown. "This is the only way to save you."

Before I could open my eyes, he began chopping off my arm.

And then, it all went black.


(Y/n)... Wake up, please...

Wake up.


I bolt up from the dream and begin panting. Where am I? I look around and find that I'm in a room. A hospital room.

Monitors and odd machines are surrounding my bed. The since of needles prickle my skin. I look at them and take them out. "What am I doing here..."  I hear the sound of scratchy growling and a gun shot. I look around and only find a tv.

I swung my legs over the edge and look at it. My (h/l) covers my eyes and move it behind me ear. A familiar face comes onto a screen. "Rick!" I whisper yell. But wait. Why is the tv on? Why am I hooked up to machines?

I hear the sound of an automatic door open from behind me. I turn around and a green haired guy in a nurses outfit stares at me wide eyed. "Jack." I whisper. His mouth drops and and scrambles out of the room. That was Jack, he is a nurse?

None of this makes sense. Rick is on the tv like he is in a tv show, Jack is a nurse, I'm in a hospital, nothing adds up!

Jack comes through the doors and right behind him is a doctor. "See, she is awake!" I scrunch up my face in confusion. Awake? "Ma'am I'm gonna bee you to si-" I cut him off. "Jack who is this? Why am I here? I was just at the prison!" They both look at each other and then back at me. "What is going on? Why won't you tell me anything?!"

I start to feel myself shake. I'm scared, what is going on?!

"Ma'am, I'm doctor Addems. This is Nurse Jack, and you are in a hospital because three years ago you were in an accident." He softly says.

I shake my head. No this isn't real!

"And you have been in a coma ever since."


A/n: sorry that I have been slacking on updates!!! So this may be the last chapter if this story, but I'm not so sure yet. Please tell me what you think!

Love y'all

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