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A/n: I'm a piece of shit 

I sat on a metal bench outside, feeling the nice breeze blow past me. My shoulder was a bit sore and soon I would have to change the bandages. I heard faint footsteps near me but decided not to turn around. "Hey shortie..."

I smiled but kept on looking at the cloudless sky. I felt him sit next to me and the bench slightly move. "Hows your arm?" he asked quietly. "Could be better honestly." I replied with a depressed tone hidden in my words.

I felt an arm wrap around my small, sore frame. "It sucks huh?"

I didn't hear an answer, but I knew he agreed. The world truly is shit. I lost an arm, I really am at a low.

I let out a sigh and his thumb started to rub circles over my goosebump graced skin. This wouldve been nicer, if the world was the way it used to be. Sunny days we could enjoy, busy traffic to get upset about, normal everyday things. But mankind is dead now, or at least, the walking dead. Maybe this is nature's way of try to restart, in the cruelest way it can, but it's not like we've been any better.

Maybe it's for the best.

A/n: I'm not dead !

Shortie || Daryl X Reader || TDW FanficWhere stories live. Discover now