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I limped back and forth in my cell.

What should I do?

I tapped my chin over and over, thinking of the outcomes and consequences that I may face if I leave.

I could be killed.

I sighed, finally becoming fed up with waiting, I made my decision. "Fuck it." I mumbled under my breath. I got on my knees and grabbed my old duffel bag from under the bed and set it down on the soft sheets. I unzipped it and to my surprise, most of my weapons were still there, including a machete I never opened.


I sighed and flipped my hair. I obviously knew what my presents were. A new purse, make-up, money... and a fucking machete. I can't believe my dad would give a machete to me on my birthday! I mean, come on! I'm a woman, not a barbarian.

I felt an arm snake around my waist. "Don't worry baby, your dad will be here soon." He said. He grabbed my chin and gently turned my head so I was facing him, and planted a kiss on my lips. "I'm sooooooo lucky to have you Sam." I said, dragging the 'o'. He smiled.

I was about to lean in for another kiss when a scream erupted from the other side of the house. My heart rate began to quicken. "Mom?!" I leaped off of the barstool and ran towards the side of the house where my mom was. "MOM!" I yelled out.

Shit, this house is too big!

I opened the door to my parents room to find my mom on the floor, clutching something. "Mom?" I asked, running over to her. "H-h-he's GONE!!!" She cried out. I started to shake.

Who's gone?! Grandpa? Aunt Loria?

"Who mom, WHO?!" I pleaded. "(Y/n) what happened?!" Sam asked from behind me. I turned around and mouthed 'I don't know'. I turned to look back at my sobbing mother. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Mom, p-please tell me!" I choked out. "Y-YOURE FATHER WAS MURDERED!!"

end of flashback•

Tears dripped from my cheeks down on to the still wrapped weapon.

I never opened it. I was afraid. I touched the pink wrapping paper and sighed. I decided, now was the time to open it. I picked it up and began carefully undoing the cheap paper.

I gasped.

It revealed a marvelous blade. Japanese markings etched into the stainless metal.

That's odd...

Good thing I'm fluent in japanese, thanks to my mother.

It read: for my tough flower - dad

I smiled. I finished unwrapping it and placed it back into the bag.

Time to get packing.

I began collecting cans of food and bottles of water for the long trip. After I confirmed that I had enough, I realized that I can't do this alone.


"You've got to be shitting me (Y/n)." he said, groaning.

"I need to find him Will. I can't be another day without-" "Yeah yeah, you'll die without him, what the hell ever." I sensed hurt in his words but pushed it off. He looked away. "Do you know that this is completely insane, to go back to that hell hole?" He said, still not making eye contact. "Yes William, I know the consequences-" "Do you, do you really?" He asked, finally looking at me. I sighed. "Yes Will... I do."

I grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. "Please William. I need him. He is the only one in this shit world that keeps me whole." I whispered. He looked at me. Something in his eyes saddened me. It was once again, hurt. He smiled softly at me. "Anything for you (Y/n)..."

I smiled and hugged him. After that I let him go and we began to suit up.

Once we were done, we were gone.

With only a note to tell the others where we'd be.


A week has passed. We soon got closer and closer to the location of Woodbury. Anticipation was thick in my blood.

William stayed close, gun and knife, ready to strike anything. "(Y/n)..." William whispered. "Huh? What is it?" I asked, stopping to look around. "It's getting late, we need to rest."

I sighed, he was right, my legs and feet ached. "Let's set up camp here for the night." I said, dropping my bag. He nodded and smiled.

Pretty soon we had a fire going, and a squirrel was cooking over the fire.

I sat down and began massaging my calves and feet. "I'm so sore..." I said. "I know, I know." He sat next to me and started working in something. "What are you doing?" I chuckled, moving to get a good look. "Nope," he turned away. "I'm not done yet." I pouted. "Come on Will..." I pleaded. "No."

I smirked.

I scooted closer and slid my hands up his shirt. His breath hitched, but didn't stop hiding what he was doing. I know one thing, if I keep this up, he will surrender. I ran my hands over his chest, feeling every feature and detail. But nothing worked.

Now to plan B.

I began leaving a trail of kisses from his shoulder all the way to his earlobe. He began to shake under my touch, he is close to the breaking point. I smiled and took his earlobe between my teeth.

That did it. "Fuck (Y/n)..." He stood up and started taking deep breaths. "It's done, no more intimate touching!" He said." I giggled. I loved messing with him. Soon, my guess, after calming down, sat next to me once more. "My little sister taught me this when we were younger and I had to baby sit." And that's when he pulled it out. A flower crown. Not the kind that were fake and man made, but real. Roses and daisies decorated it. I was taken by surprise. I really didn't expect this...

He smiled at me and placed it on my head.

And then,

He kissed me.


OK BEFORE U SCREAM AT ME, this is a part of the story.

Yes I know its a Daryl x reader and not William x Reader, but hey, calm down my children, it'll be ok soon. :D

Love y'all and sorry for not updating much!

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