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* 6 month later *

It's dark out and the quiet sounds of the silenced world surrounded us. My lips danced like fire against his. The sweet taste of his lips tickled my tongue. Daryl slid his gentle warm hands along my sides. His fingers sliding over every little scar.  I hummed in slight pleasure.  Then, it stopped. I opened my eyes to find myself in a field. A butterfly fluttered past me. A gentle breeze filled with the sent of lilacs chilled my skin, tickling me with goosebumps. "This isn't right."

And I woke up.


My eyes fluttered open to see the sun shining through the dull orange tent.  I sat up and yawned. I stretched my stiff limbs and rubbed my eyes. I felt chilled to the bone as I left my warm welcoming sleeping bag. I looked at it and groaned. "If the dead weren't here, I'd sleep in." I grumbled.

I'm never a morning person.

Although, I do miss one thing about the old, happy world I use to live in. A fucking bath.  My once glimmering
(h/c) (h/l) now looks lame and sad. Not that I really care but, having great smelling hair really was nice. 

I grabbed a (f/c) oversized hoodie and threw it on. I started to warm up.

I unzipped the opening of the tent and stepped out. I was greeted with the sight of Daryl and Rick gearing up. "Mornin' guys..." I said sleepily. "Morning Sunshine." Rick smiled. I hate morning people, but I made an exception for a friend. Daryl looked up and smirked. I knew EXACTLY what he was thinking. "I like to sleep with short shorts, big deal!" I huffed. He rolled his eyes and came over to hug me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he practically lifted me into the air, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Missed ya' squirt." He said. I smiled and nuzzled into his shoulder. "How was the run?" I asked, once he put me down. "I got more food and supplies. And got ya' somethin." I blushed. Why in the world would he get me something?

We are kinda busy trying to save each other from flesh eating walkers, not hand out gifts like its Christmas.

He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a small dust covered velvet box.

"Merry Christmas." And held it out.

Wait, shiiiiiit today is Christmas.

Ugh, seriously did not want to be reminded of this 'joyous' day.

I looked at Daryl and then the box. I sighed and took it from his calloused hands. "Y'all hurry up. We have to go soon." Rick reminded. I opened it an to my astonishment. It's a necklace. Simple, with a small wooden cross on dangling from the slightly full chain. "It's...thank you." I smiled and ran a finger over the mall marks made from a knife.

It is obvious that it's hand made.

I look at Daryl and smiled warmly at him. He then took the necklace, took a step closer and put the chain around my neck. He stepped back and looked at me. "Hot as hell." He said. I blushed and rolled my eyes. Come on, we gotta get going." I said standing on my tip toes. I planted a kiss on his cheek and went to help Rick. "(Y/n) can you wake up Lori and them?" I nodded.

* 3 months later*

I kept my machete close as we made it through the thick woods to find the prison that Rick, Maggie, and Glenn found while out on another run. The warm air soothed my skin. The long winter months was harsh on our group. Georgia may be a warm, sunny state, but the winters can be brutal if they want to be...

Daryl jogged to the clearing up a head. He looked for any danger, then signaled for us to continue. I tried my best to keep the snapping if twigs and crunching of leaves on a minimum, but I have to take extra steps to protect Lori and her child.

I still remember when Lori told me that she had conceived a child. She sobbed hard because she didn't know if it was Shane's, or Rick's. Thank good that bastard is dead. But before h got shot in the head by Rick, and then again by Carl. Shane, before he went a little crazy, he began to talk nicer to me. No more insults, threats. It was peaceful. I was actually sad when I heard he had died. But when I heard the reason, it all left me.

We got closer and closer to the clearing.

Then we made it.

My eyes widened when I saw it.

A home.




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