Pink Day and "Antibullying"

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Hey guys! My day started off great, and turned to shit as to be expected. Hope you are all having a better day than me! You deserve it. Sorry this rant is messy a f and unedited, I literally just finished a math test and wrote this up. I'm all angsty and shit because I'm sick a f of my bullied past rearing its ugly head. And as it is pink day, I present you with a rant on why... Well, I'll let you read it for yourself. Sorry it's shit though, again I just wanted it out there and didn't care about quality this time.
Xoxo, lots of love,

Holy crap, upon second read this was such shit. iPad auto correct is a bitch. I mean it changed Gerard Way to Gerard away ughhhhhhhhh. Thanks Emma though for your comment, awee it made me smile.  I needed that today. Anyways readers, here's the exact same thing, but edited so it makes grammatical sense. 

Also I find this song is great for when I'm angsty about this kind of shit if you like Bullet for My Valentine listen to Waking The Demon ok byeeee

Xoxo, lots of love (again),



I hate people.

I truly and honest to god hate people. We destroy the environment, we destroy the lives of plants and animals, and we destroy each other.

Everything we touch, dies.

Today is pink shirt day. I am not wearing pink. When you ask me why, let me tell you it is not because I am against what it stands for. I am against what it has become.

Pink shirt day originated with a group of students standing up for another, who was bullied for wearing pink. As a response, they all showed up to school the next day in pink clothing. It was a sweet gesture, I admit, but once it was implemented in schools it lost all meaning.

Now on pink shirt day, students wear pink just to look good, to appear like they are doing something for others and feel better about themselves through this notion. Not that there is anything against self love, I am all for it. I just think that when you wear a symbol but fail to follow through with the action it stands for, you're being hypocritical and disrespecting the intention and inspiration of the symbol.

Many people who bullied me in elementary school have showed up today in pink. They are among the many bullies and bystanders who use pink shirt day just to improve their image or opinions of them other people create. These people still bully me. They've never stopped, yet they are "against" their own action, according to this pink shirt. Excuse me? I don't see them telling even themselves to stop.

When antibullying workshops and presentations are given in class, guess who are the first to participate? The people who bullied me. They are the heads of the antibullying school teams, and yet when I participate in discussion they look down at their desks. Why? Are they ashamed, or unable to admit that they were, or still are, bullies?

I don't know if this is the same in your schools, for you readers, but this is what I witness in mine. The worst part is, these individuals haven't changed a bit. They continue to put me down, manipulate and belittle me. But there's nothing I can do but deal with it. No pink shirt is going to change that. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and yes, perhaps my experiences have made me cold, bitter, and cynical, but it's the way I am.

So why let the bitchy little chihuahuas get you down? That's all they can do, bark and whine, to get you down to their level. Look in the mirror. Is that fear in your eyes? Sadness? Compliance? Look behind it, and see what I see. See the power, the bravery, the raw worth you have and you are. They say you're worthless? Get up off the fucking couch and prove your worth, not to them, not to yourself, but to the world. Because you are better than some itty bitty chihuahua who feels threatened by you. If you weren't, they wouldn't be wasting time and effort to try to stop you.

Get out there and fight. Don't hide behind a pink shirt, or some other symbol that has decayed to worthlessness thanks to our society. Bare your canines, fellow wolves, and slash your claws. Because yes, we are all lone wolves out here, but we are stronger. We are better. And we will prove it. And then, we will join the pack and stand united against those chihuahuas.

Only the bullied, the so called worthless and wastes of space ever truly amount to anything. Look at Gerard Way, Lady Gaga, anyone who is high up there where everyone wants to be. That could be you. That is you.

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