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Hey guys! I'm in class, anyways felt like posting some crap so here we go... *cries*

Today is March 22. Three years guys. It's been three years.

Although I haven't been a Killjoy for long, it still stings that MCR isn't actually a band anymore. I'll never see them live... Unless they do a reunion tour or something.

Anyways, can we not pester the guys today with our runny eyeliner and dime a dozen tears? MCR ended for the benefit of the members involved, especially Gerard. If we truly care about the band, and each member (ie Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray, even Bob) we should respect the decision they made for their own well being. We wouldn't want depression or addiction to make a comeback with the band, so why risk that chance when the band members feel its presence over their shoulder?

All members of MCR seem much happier now. Their solo projects are equally great, although they may stray for the MCR norm. But I will say this: nothing cheers up my day now like seeing Frank's cute grin or having Gerard's good morning tweets pop up on my timeline on Twitter.

Instead of wishing for the past to reappear (although, by all means I'm not telling you to stop listening to MCR. I won't!), we should be reflecting upon it. Make those tears happy ones as you look back at the behind the scenes videos. Put on that MCR tee and wear it with pride. Just accept the fact that it's over, and it's for the best. Respect it.

If Gerard, Frank, Mikey and Ray think MCR should come back, it will. And they're the ones who have both the ability and the reasons to make that decision. Not us.

Try not to ruin your eyeliner, fellow Killjoys.

(Also fun fact I was going to write Frerard one shots, and one that I wrote I can picture doing a full fanfic with. I only half ship Frerard by the way. I'd ship it so much more if I didn't absolutely love them in their actual marriages and home lives more. Then again, it's none of my business what they do with their lives.

ANYWAYYYYYSSSSS, lemme know if you'd be interested in reading a Frerard fic I write. If you guys are, I'll post one. Maybe more.)

Xoxo, Dani

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