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~Next Day~

'Geography. Great'  Louis thought as he glared at the ground. He walked in to see Harry staring right back at him. Harry's eyes went wide and he looked down on his desk. Louis rolled his eyes and went to his desk, dropping his books on the floor next to his desk and sat down as the bell rang.

"Two more days for working on your project. I'd like to get all these turned in by this Friday." Mr. Dun spoke. With his red hair gelled back, and his perfect black suit, Harry couldn't help but to stare at him for an unnecessary amount of time. When Harry snapped out of his terrain he looked over to see Louis glaring at him. (If you don't know who Josh Dun is, I'll put a picture of him above, below, wherever you see photos.)


"Nothing." Louis crossed his arms and stared straight forward.

Harry shrugged and watched people move with their partners, Niall biting his lip as he scooted closer to Zayn. Harry frowned, jealous. He wishes that he could be that close to Louis, that he could find out more about Louis. Harry wishes that Louis wouldn't be so rude, and actually be nice to him.

"Are you coming over here?" Harry looks over to see Louis looking at him, " I don't want the prick up there thinking we're done."

"Oh... okay." Harry picks his stuff up and sits in the desk next to Louis. Louis grabs both sides of Harry's desk and pulls him so that their desks are touching.

Harry squeaked, grabbing the desk so he didn't fall, "what was that for?" Harry blushed.

"You're really light... Do you eat?"

Harry looked up in shock, "what?"

"Do you eat regularly?"

"Yes I do."

"Okay." Louis went back to ignoring Harry.

Harry has never been so confused.

Harry and Niall went to McDonald's this time. Niall was craving a Big Mac.

"Why do you think he asked that?" Niall asked, stuffing his face.

"I don't know, he said I was light, then it was like... it was like he was actually concerned."

"Do you think he's gone through stuff like that? So he's like... he doesn't like when other people don't eat."

"Why are you so... so accurate. I don't know if you're right, but you always have such legit answers." Harry sighed, sipping his strawberry smoothie.

"I don't know." Niall shrugged, munching on some fries.

"I'm bored, I don't want to go back to school. This sucks."

"I agree. I'm really liking working with Zayn though. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he's gay or at least bi, so that's awesome. I may actually have a chance."

"I'm jealous of you guys." Harry said, laughing a little.

"There's nothing going on, I don't think he knows I like him at all. It's kind of frustrating. He doesn't even know I'm flirting. It's just really aggravating."

"Maybe I can talk to him?" Harry suggests, nudging the air with his elbow and raising his eyebrows.

"No. Don't you dare. I don't trust you with him at all." Niall frowned. Harry giggled, "Harry, I'm serious don't you dare!" Niall whisper shouted.

"Hey you guy, mind if I sit with you?"

Harry and Niall looked up at the same time to see Liam Payne and one of his best mates, Nick Grimshaw. Harry made a face, but Niall instantly answered "yes".

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