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"Louis, this is Niall, Niall I've told you about Louis, I don't think you two have formally met..." Harry smiled, "Niall's the one that was driving when I forced you to get in his car, he's also on the football team." Harry, Niall, and Louis walked from Niall's car to the small field.

"Wait, how much have you told Niall?" Louis glanced between Niall and Harry nervously.

"Pretty much nothing except how hot you are, what you did in art, how you guys heavily made-"

"Niall shut the fuck up." Harry lightly shoved Niall, his face bright red; Louis blushed as well, embarrassed at how much Niall already knew about him, where as Louis knew pretty much nothing about Niall.

"So, you think you're good, huh?" Niall asked Louis, referring to football.

"I bet I can kick your ass." Louis laughed, tying the laces of the cleats Niall let him borrow.

"Oh, I see someone's getting cocky." Niall smiled, picking up the ball.

"You guys can play the junior field... first one to ten wins?"

"Sounds good to me." Louis stood, jogging out to the field, Niall following shortly.

"Winner gets to kiss me!" Harry called out jokingly.

"In that case, I'll let you win." Niall muttered quietly to Louis.

"I'll beat you whether you're trying or not, so I'll get that kiss either way." Louis chuckled, winking at Harry.

"Who goes?" Niall asked, referring to who starts the game.

"Rock paper scissors?" Louis suggested.

Niall shrugged, "okay."

Louis won the match seven to ten.

"I TOLD YOU!!" Louis yelled at Niall, jogging off the field, a huge smile on his face.

"Fine you got me.. you won." Niall rolled his eyes. "You have to try out for the foot ball team, no questions. I'll ask Christian tomorrow when we're doing try outs." Niall grumbled, being the sore loser his is.

Harry leaned forward on the bench and dramatically puckered his lips, letting his eyes fall shut. Louis ran to meet him, placing a light kiss on Harry's lips.

"Good job, my cute athlete. Imagine me, sitting in the bleachers cheering on the team captain." Harry winked, laughing.

Louis blushed, "I doubt I'd be team captain."

"I bet you will be by the end of the year." Niall added.

"How much?" Louis challenged.

"Uh... I don't know, twenty (22.45$) euros." Niall shrugged.

"You got yourself a deal, mate." Louis held out his hand, and Niall shook it.

"Deal. Harry, you're in charge of this." Niall said.


"Lets go eat something." Harry said, watching Louis and Niall pack up.

"I second that." Niall raised his hand.

"Me too." Louis said, throwing Niall's extra duffel bag over his shoulder, "what should we get?"

"I vote McDonald's." Niall raised his hand.

"That's all you ever eat let's go to he new restaurant on the other side of town." Harry muttered.

"Lord Gainsborough?" Louis asked.

"Yea that one, my mum went there with her friends and said it was some of the best food she's had in a while, so I figured we should go." 

"Sounds good, lets do it." Niall said putting the car in drive and headed toward the restaurant.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far ❤️


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