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Louis sat next to Harry in a booth, Harry on the inside, and Niall across from them.

"Hello, my name is Celine, and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with any drinks?" Celine said, smiling at the three lads.

"Iced tea please... Sweetened." Niall said, barely looking up from the menu.

"I'll have just a water please." Louis said, smiling at the waitress.

"And for you, sir?" Celine said to Harry, still smiling.

"I'll have a sprite, thanks." Harry smiled back.

"Any appetizers?"

"No thanks." Louis said.

"And how many checks will this be?"

"One." Harry said, before anyone could speak up.

"Okay, I'll be back in a little to take your orders." Celine walked away.

Niall scoffed, "you're not paying for my food."

"Never said I was. You two will be paying me back. It's just easier to have one check instead of three. We all three tip, and I'll pay the whole bill right now, then you two can pay me back later. Simple as that."

"Oh... okay." Niall nodded and looked back down at his menu.

Harry moved his hand to Louis' thigh, causing Louis to silently sigh contently. Then, Harry started slowly rubbing his thumb on the inside of Louis' thigh, making Louis' face flush slightly.

"So, what are you guys getting, I think 'm just gonna get some ribs... that sounds really good." Niall said, still looking over the menu.

Harry moved his hand further up, making Louis face become more pink. Unfazed, Harry murmured, "I think I'll get just get a caesar salad."

"What about you, Lou?" Niall looked up, seeing Louis bright pink face, and Harry's smirk, as well as knowing how horny Harry always was, instantly pieced things together, "C'mon guys, that's fuckin' gross. You're in public for fucks sake." Niall blushed, embarrassed that his friends were doing something intimate in front of him.

"What?" Harry asked, lifting an eyebrow, the cocky smirk still plastered on his face.

"Don't play dumb, get your hand away from Louis' privacy."

Harry rolled his eyes, and his movements stopped. Louis was now sexually frustrated, and the lack of touch annoyed him.

"Such a cock block." Harry said, chuckling.

"Shuddup." Niall said, glaring at his best friend.

"Are you fine gentlemen ready to order." Celine smiled, shooting a flirty glance at Niall, though Niall didn't notice, for his interest in women was nonexistent.

After they had ordered and ate, Harry had already paid, and Niall had received a napkin that said:

You're really cute, text me.


xoxo Celine

And a lipstick kiss next to her name,poor girl, Niall just threw the note away in the men's restroom.

I'll see you tomorrow." Harry called out to Niall, who was the first to be dropped off.

"See ya." Niall said, before he shut his house door behind him.

The drive to Louis house was rather quiet, except for Louis occasionally tapping his foot. It was a comfortable silence, neither one of them felt the need to talk.

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