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Thanks for 500 reads already holy shit ❤️

I'd also like to make it clear, I know in chapter 5 or 6 I stated that Louis has piercings, I never specified, but to give more of a visual he had spider bites and an eyebrow piercing 👍🏼

Louis woke up and freaked out a bit, realizing there was an arm around his torso, he turned around, able to make out Harry's face inches from his; Louis' eyes went wide as he watched harry sleep, his lips parted slightly, little snores leaving his mouth, curls everywhere, light mascara smudged around his eyes... he looked adorable. Louis' jaw dropped a little when he realized the obvious fact, he liked Harry.... well fuck. Louis put his hands on Harry's chest very lightly, feeling the light peach fuzz of shaven chest hair. Louis looks over at the alarm clock and saw it read 4:06 AM, 'well fuck', but at the same time, good; Louis got to sit there and stare at Harry. Louis hesitantly reached up to feel one of harry's curls, they were softer than silk. Louis ever so lightly traced the outline of Harry's cheekbone, his nose, and his jaw line. When Harry scrunched his nose, Louis froze, afraid he was waking up; eventually, Harry pulled Louis closer to his chest and started snoring again.

"Fuck.." Louis sighed, he was afraid to move, thinking Harry would move again. Louis squirmed back a bit, putting some space between the both of them. Harry huffed and turned over, his back towards Louis. Louis traced his finger down Harry's spine, tracing the outline of his back muscles. Harry always seemed to be the kind to have natural muscles, though he was always hiding them in large sweaters. Louis sighed and got out of his bed, pulling the covers up, so they cover Harry, but not before admiring his back one more time. Louis went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Hi, Lou." Louis jumped slightly turning around to see Lottie sitting at their kitchen table.

"What're you doing up?"

"I could ask the same thing, ya know."

"I couldn't sleep."

"Same here... Also, I wanted to tell you that Harry obviously likes you a lot."

"How can you tell?"

"The way he carried you home and laid you down so gently." Louis felt heat rise on his cheeks. "He could've just left you were you were sleeping, or taken advantage of you, a number of things, but no, he cared for you and brought you home, and even stay with you."

"I know he likes me."

"I think you like him too."

"You don't know how I feel." Louis crossed his arms, rubbing the edge of his shirt between his thumb and fore finger, out of nervous habit.

"'M your sister idiot, you're like an open book to me. I can tell that you're getting nervous just talking about him."

Louis glared at Lottie, dropping the edge of his shirt. He turned around to fill his glass with water. "I'm gonna go now, g'night."

"At least think about what I said." Lottie said before Louis disappeared back upstairs, little did she know that's all Louis did... for three hours. 'Do I really like Harry?' was the main thing that ran through Louis' head. He thought about how pretty Harry was and how he looked while he was sleeping. And most of all, he thought about how much he genuinely like Harry. It wasn't until 7:32 (made in the) am that Louis stopped thinking about a bevy of thoughts; he only stopped because Harry finally woke up. He turned around to see Louis staring at him with bright, beautiful blue eyes.

"How long have you been up" Harry asked, not even caring that Louis was staring at him. Harry's raspy morning voice sent chills down Louis' spine, goosebumps raising on his body.

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