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"Where the fuck are you?" Niall sat at a local cafe, alone.

"I'm with Louis." Harry looked down at Louis who was cuddled into his side, asleep.

"You skipped?!" Niall practically yelled.

"Yes Niall. I did. I need you to get my homework."


"What?!" Harry whisper-yelled.

"I said no, you're the one who decided to skip, so you have to make it up yourself."

"Niiiiallllll, pleeeeeeeeeeease." Harry exaggerated his words in the way Niall hates.

"Don't." Niall groaned.

"Niall I'm actually begging you."

"No, Harry. This was your shitty choice. Not only did you leave me alone, but I made myself a fool in front of Christian because fucking Louis wasn't here, and I didn't have you to back me up. Now, I'm sitting at Starbucks looking like a fucking loser because I'm all alone. So no, you make your decisions and you can deal with the consequences." Niall bit his tongue to keep from hanging up on Harry.

"Louis skipping isn't my fault-"

"It partly is, because you're the one who was talking to him, which caused him to get sent to the office."

"He never went to the office, he put a note in my locker and went home."

"Well that's not my problem, Harry. I'm not gonna be there for you to rely on my twenty four seven." Harry furrowed his eyebrows when he heard Niall's voice cracked slightly.

"Where is this coming from all of the sudden... Niall are you okay?"

"Yea," Niall took a deep breath, "I'm fine... kind of, I overheard my mums face timing my aunt about moving back to Ireland."

"Aw fuck." Harry ran his hand over his face, then through his hair.

"Yeah, I don't- I don't know if she's serious, but if she is... I don't know, I really don't wanna leave you, Hazz." Niall and Harry have been friends since they were children, Niall's parents moved out here to right after they got married. The first time they met was in kindergarten, Harry was Niall's first friend. They had been each other's best friend since then.

"I don't want you to leave." Harry looked up at Louis' ceiling, feeling tears brim his eyes at the mere thought of not having his best friend around.

"It is what it is." Niall whispers.

"I'm coming over." Harry stated.

"What- Harry, I'm fine. And I have to go back to school in- shit, now." Harry heard shuffling, a couple minutes later he heard a car start.

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Yeah, I don't skip."

"I'm coming over after school."

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