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Niall's 3rd person P.O.V

'I can't believe Harry would skip school, even if he came up with an excuse and got sent home, he still missed the rest of the fucking day and made me get his homework.' Niall glared at the road ahead of him as he thought. He wasn't really looking forward to seeing Harry after telling him that he might move. Niall almost regretted telling Harry in the first place, 'now Harry is probably going to pity me until I leave, if I do.'

Niall pulled into his driveway, parked his car, and went up to the front steps. He opened the door and went to the kitchen and got a couple granola bars to put in his back pocket and eat later, "hey mum." Niall went up to Maura and gave her a hug and a peck on her cheek.

"Hi, sweetheart. How was school?"

"Crappy as always, and this time Harry wasn't there to help. He pretended to be sick so he could hang out with Louis." Niall rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry.." 

"Yea, well.. 'm gonna go do my homework.."


Niall jogged up the stairs two at a time, actually wanting to take a nap and the later do his homework with Harry.

When he opened the door he didn't expect to see Harry sitting at his desk, "fuckin' hell! Shoot me a bloody warnin' you come up her- What's that." Niall stepped closer, peering over Harry's shoulder. "Give me that!!" Niall snatched the journal out of Harry's hands, making Harry visibly jump.

"I-I'm sorry... I-" Harry turned to look at Niall, his eyes were a darker green than usual, with everything they've been through together, Niall knew that meant he was either sad or about to lie.

"What did you see?!"

"I- I- you like me?"

Niall tensed. He looked down at the page Harry had opened it too, "You... you weren't supposed to see that.. you weren't supposed to see any of this! Why the hell did you go through my book!?" Niall yelled, his whole face was bright red with embarrassment, at this point, he welcomed death with open arms.

"I didn't know what it was, I-"

"So you just decided to go through it!!" Niall sat down on his bed and hid his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered, Niall knew by the tone of his voice that he felt regret about what had happened, but Niall didn't really care.

"Thanks, because saying sorry twice is going to make the fact that you read my fucking diary." Niall said sarcastically, tears brimming his eyes. Harry was never supposed to know.

"At least I-"

"At least nothing! You went through my personal stuff, shit that is only my therapist knows! I just- please leave.." Niall sniffled and wiped his eyes.

"No- Niall, please-"

"Harry, you're only making things worse, please leave." Niall heard the creak of his chair that told him Harry had gotten up. Niall watched Harry leave out of the corner of his eye, and when he thought the coast was clear, he cried.

"So your mum told me you like video games?"

"Some, yea..." Niall said hesitantly, he's never been to therapy before, "what else did my mum tell you?" He looked up at his therapist.

"That you like to eat, you're really into Broadway, your favorite play is Hamilton or Romeo and Juliette, you love to read, you're on your junior year of high school, you're seventeen, your full name is Niall James Horan, your birthday is September thirteenth and you really like your best friend."

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