4 (+ schedule)

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I thought I'd make it clear about Harry's schedule so none of you are confused, and in parenthesis I will put who's in his class (that's important)

1st Period- World History (Louis, Niall and Zayn)

2nd Period- Math (Niall)

3rd Period- Literature (Nick and Liam)

4th Period- Lunch

5th Period- Art (Louis and Zayn)

6th Period- Chemistry (Louis)

7th Period- Study Hall- (Niall)

Harry sit in Math, trying not to think about Niall. He's been trying to talk to Harry about Nick all period, but he doesn't want to hear it.

Harry sits there staring at the problems that he's supposed to do. It's pointless, the teacher gets all the homework off of a website that has all the answers, not to mention every body knows what website it is.

"Harry please-" Niall starts.

"Don't talk to me. If Louis hadn't been there Nick might have gotten me again, no fucking thanks to you. You told me that Nick was okay, you said that I needed to give him a chance. Maybe if you weren't so far up Liam's ass you'd notice, as my best friend, that Nick was forcing himself onto me." Harry snapped. A couple of their classmates turned their way.

Niall frowned, "I'm so so so sorry, Harry. I've told Liam many times that Nick is an asshole and he either changes the subject or kisses his way out of it."

"Maybe you should push him away and use your voice instead of kissing him back." Harry glared at Niall.

"'M sorry Hazz, please forgive me." Niall whined.

"Fine." Harry rolled his eyes, "I couldn't stay mad at you anyway."

"Okay, thank god. I can't stand not talking to you especially when I have dirt to spill."

"Wow, Niall." Harry laughed, shaking his head. "I can't believe people think you're the innocent one in this friendship."

Harry sits in Literature, barley keeping himself awake. The only reason he's still awake is because he can feel someone staring at the back of his head. Harry shifts uncomfortably. He tries to subtly look around the room, he locks eyes with Nick. Nick winks and Harry turns around in disgust, 'of course it's Nick,' he though. Harry shook his head and stared down at he paper the teacher handed him.

It was a writing assignment, "Explain a topic that is very important to you and why." Harry read it over and over, thinking as he did.

'Human rights', the first thing that popped into Harry's mind. He could easily write fourteen pages, but it only had to be a page. Harry started jotting down reasons why human rights were important to him, and he still couldn't get the feeling of Nick's eyes off of him and it's starting to make him really uncomfortable. Harry shakes his head and tries to focus.

Nick stands up and places a note on Harry's desk

I swear it wasn't me. Please talk to me by the field house this class.

N xx

Harry sighed. And laid his head down.

'Harry you know it was him.' Harry cringed slightly, remembering Nick practically forcing himself against Harry.

'Don't go. You know it's a bad idea.' Harry's subconscious warned. Harry battled himself internally and when the bell rang, he decided he wouldn't go to the field house.

"Niall what do I do?" Harry whined. "Nick keeps harassing me about how it wasn't him in the ally."

"Was it?"

"Yes it was I heard him; he spoke, and I could tell it was him." Harry sat on Niall's bed, face down in his hands.

"I don't know either... but tell me more about the thing that happened after. With Louis."

"I-" Harry blushed. "We just hugged for a minute. And he told Nick to get lost."

"So he saved you?"

"No. I could have kept running, he just happend to be there. I am not a freaking damsel in distress, thank you very much." Harry glared at Niall.

"Just be glad he was there. Listen, I'm sorry about the whole Nick thing. I should've listened to my best friend and not Liam... Bros before man hoes, right?"

Harry tried to be mad, but his look faltered; he laughed. "I swear to god, if you ever say that again I'm going to punch you."

Niall smiled. "I'm just glad I have my best friend back. Again, I'm sorry. Whatever Nick does to you tell me; were in this together."

Harry smiled back. "Thank you, Niall."

"We should really work on our homework. Can you help we with the essay, I think it's due in like two days... Zayn hasn't done anything but flirt." Niall frowned and blushed slightly.

"Yeah, I can't help you with everything though. I don't want to tell you exactly what Louis put, but I can help with resources and shit." Harry walked over to Niall's desk, logging on to Niall's computer.

"I'm surprised; Louis doesn't seem like the type of guy to do all the work."

"I know. I never would've guessed." Harry shrugged, pulling up Google.

"So, do you like Louis?"

"Yeah... I think I do anyway..."

"I think he really likes you. Even if he isn't willing to admit it."


"Yeah. Today I turned around in history, I was gonna tell you this stupid joke Zayn told me but I saw the way Louis was staring at you so I decided to leave you two alone."

Harry blushed, and started playing with the hem of his shirt. "How was he looking at me?"

"The kind of way in all the cheesy romance movies on the way the guy looks at the girl when she's not looking, then pretends he wasn't looking at her."

Harry's eyes went wide. "Really?"

"Yeah. I swear; I wouldn't lie about something like that."

"What should I do???" Harry started panicking slightly.


"That is soo much easier said that done, Neil."

"Then calm down, take deep breaths, and just don't seem too desperate."

"I hate you so much."

"Love you too, Hazz."

I'm so sorry it's short. I always try to write over 1400 words (I only wrote 1054) because that seems like the mare minimum and I just can't. I feel like I haven't updated in forever... And it's 2:42 in the morning and I can't sleep so...


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