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I decided I just want this to be a short story bc I'm bored of writing it 👌🏼 I thought I'd be nice though, and end it with smut & fluff. *full explanation at end*

Also I had a dream I met twenty one pilots, got my stuff stolen, about got ran over, and then became a bird and tried to fly home. It was pretty interesting and vivid.

ALSO MY QUEEN (xomissdanielle on Instagram) LIKED MY DRAWING OF HER AND I'M FLIPPING MY SHIT (the drawing is on the account: ptv.and.girlfriends) AHHH I'M SO HAPPY.

The songs of this chapter are as following if you want to look them up:

Closer: Chainsmokers

Work from Home: Fifth Harmony

(I just want to remind that Louis still is bottom)

That's all :)

-year or so later {last half of Senior year}-

Louis stood unsettled, his knee bouncing as he sat across Niall, "Are you sure he's going to like it?"

"It's a kitten and you, what more could he want?" Niall rolled his eyes as if this had to've been obvious to Louis.

"I don't know..." Louis mumbled.

"When Harry comes out of those door you are going to be the proper boyfriend and ask his ass to prom, got it?"

Louis sighed, taking a deep breath, which did nothing but make his heart beat faster, "fine... fine." Louis wiped his sweaty hands on his on his jeans, jumping slightly as the cat made a noise next to him.

It was a whole thing Louis made up, the perfect way to ask harry to prom. Niall, Zayn, and three of Zayn's friends are going to be holding up pieces of paper that spell out 'Prom?' and a cat that would help with his cheesy question: 'I'm already smitten for you, it would be even puur-fect if you wen to to prom and took this kitten'. A couple days before, Louis had stayed up till about two in the morning watching prom videos, crying at how cute some of them were.

"It's gonna be fine, I know he's gonna say yes."

And he did.

-few weeks later-

"Harry, hurry up. We're gonna be late you clumsy buffoon!" Louis called out to his boyfriend at the bottom of the flight of stairs inside harry's house, tapping his foot impatiently. He held Harry's cat, that he had named Sir Jellybean, and decided anyone who didn't say 'Sir' when saying his name, was not worthy enough to touch his cat.

"Wait your ass a second!" Harry yelled back from his room.

"Niall is already chewing my arse for not meeting him and Zayn at McDonald's like we'd planned beforehand."

"We still have like thirty minutes!"

"It takes twenty to get there you dim-wit. It's not at the school." Louis crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing slightly, "maybe if you din't spend so much time on your makeup, we'd be ready."

"I told you to go, stop bitching."

"No, come down! I'm sure you look absolutely fantastic. Please... just come down? Plus Niall just texted me and the limo is gonna be here in a few." Louis set the cat down, who just ran around and tried to bite and climb everything.

"I-" harry paused, Louis looked up to the second story, straining his head towards the stairs for any sign of movement. Seconds later, Harry begrudgingly stomped down the steps, making sure Louis knew he was upset. Louis lightly parted his lips watching Harry, unconsciously licking his lips. Harry was in a beautiful black dress, falling short of his knees, and all black converse. His curls were down and he had light makeup, the most noticeable was his flushed cheeks, highlight, and a bit of eyeliner to define his eyes.

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