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I decided to be nice and add a lil smut for y'all because I was bored.

Louis shoved his books into his locker, grumbling to himself about how much he hated Mr. Dun. He looked at his phone, 32 minutes till class was out. Louis groaned, 'may as well skip,' he thought to himself. He ripped a blank corner from his history book and wrote on:

go to my home after school. Since I know you won't skip.

-Louis xx

Louis slipped the note into the vent of Harry's locker, then left the school.

Harry's P.O.V
(I felt like doing a pov)

I walked out of history, slightly ashamed I didn't stand up for Louis... I feel terrible and I really wish I had. He's probably mad at me..

"Wait, Harry can I speak to you for a moment?" Mr. Dun asked before I left the classroom.

"Yeah... I guess." I mumbled the last part under my breath, so he wouldn't hear.

"I think with how close you and Louis obviously are, do you think you could tutor him, talk to him, just convince him somehow to be more respectful towards me? I'm sure that other teacher have just as much of a hard time with him as I-"

"I'm really really sorry, but I have to cut you off. Louis was being respectful. He was respecting himself by standing up for himself. He was right, no one in the class had complained about us because we were being respectfully quiet." I can't believe I told off a teacher... Oh my- I feel so bad, I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

Mr. Dun sighed and looked down at his desk, " very well then, fair enough. Tell Louis I won't send him to detention. I'll notify the office of my mistake and apologize to him tomorrow."

My eyes went wide, "Really... Okay."

"Here," he scribbled 'Harry S. to second period' and signed his name, "in case you're late. Now go," Mr. Dun waved me off.

I let out a deep sigh of relief after I left his class, I could cry I'm so happy I didn't get in trouble.

"There you are, fuckin' christ Harry we're gonna be late."

"I have a pass, go ahead without me."

"Fine." Niall mumbled, and left.

I opened my locker, 4-18-64, a piece of paper fell out and I quickly caught it before it hit the ground.

"'Go to my home after school. Since I know you won't skip, Louis'," I read, "dick." I rolled my eyes shoving my books in my locker.

I went to second period, gave the teacher my pass, "Mrs. Paul, may I go to the nurse? I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

"Yea, go ahead, you don't need a pass."

"Okay, thank you." I felt bad again, I lied. I'm gonna prove to Louis i'm not a goody-two-shoes... by being excused for the rest of the day. At the nurse, I forced myself to throw up so I could get sent home.

"Is there a parent I could call to come pick you up?"

"No, I'm not far from home, I could walk." I hate lying so much.

"Are you sure?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, besides, the fresh air might help setting my body a bit." I smiled sheepishly, knowing that gay or not, 99.1 percent of the girls I meet love me, no arrogance involved.

"Yeah, maybe." The nurse blushed... weird. She was probably mid-fifties, she was recent widowed, poor thing.

"Thank you." I smiled, she had given me some type of medicine she said would make my stomach feel better.

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