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2 months later

Harry had went to Louis' after the incident with him and Niall and told Louis everything. Louis had come up with the idea to 'take a public break' so that Niall wouldn't become triggered every time he saw Harry and Louis together. It had gone okay for a while, but Niall still wanted nothing to do with Harry, he didn't talk to him, he didn't look at him, he barley even breathed in Harry's direction. It was tearing Harry apart inside, but he knew he needed to give Niall some space.

Niall on the other hand, was fine. Though he started going to therapy a bit more, he was hanging out with Zayn more too. Smoking with Zayn had pretty much become a regular thing, and neither of them were fazed by it. Niall's feelings for Harry have nearly disappeared with how much more he appreciated Zayn; the only problem was that Zayn was practically straight. He'd told Niall he was bisexual, but it's obvious that his stronger preference was females. This didn't bug Niall, though, because he could tell that Zayn at least sort of liked him back. This minor set back was not going to stop Niall on pursuing was he wanted the most.

Harry was currently hanging out with Louis and one of Louis' friends from his piano class, Dan, and his boyfriend, Phil. Louis had planned on hanging out with them earlier, but didn't want to end up third-wheeling, so he invited Harry along. They had gone to see Miss Peregrine's and now Harry wouldn't shut up about how frustrated he was that none of the other three had read the book first. (please no spoilers, I actually haven't watched it yet)

"The book was so much better than the movie, I mean, with the book you get more detail, more of a view of what's going on in Jacob's mind with more of a descriptive scenery and it's just better in general."

"We get it Harry, you're mad we didn't read the book, I'm so sorry." Louis said sarcastically, rolling his eyes in the process.

"I'm not mad... just disappointed." Harry frowned. All four left the theater, Phil was saying how he wanted to stop by the mall to get some new video game and that while they were there they could get some food. The other three had nodded in agreement, Harry's stomach rumbling a bit at the thought of food. 

Once at the mall, Dan said that he was going to go off with Phil, and they could all meet up at Panera in an hour. 

"Sounds good to me," Louis smiled, taking Harry's hand in his as the ventured off in the opposite direction of Dan and Phil.

"Lets go to Bath and Bodyworks." 


"I need to get Gemma a birthday present."

"When's her birthday?"

"In three days."

"Oh, what does she like?"

"I don't know, that's why I thought I'd start here first... If not, I thought maybe stop at Hot Topic for a Nirvana t-shirt or something."

"Okay." Louis followed Harry into the store, picking up and smelling everything he could. He separated himself from harry so he could go to the lotion, whilst Harry stayed by the perfume.

"I think 'm gonna stick with this." Harry had two bottles of perfume, a bottle body wash, a bottle of lotion, and a thing of hand-sanitizer. Most of which were a Christmas related smell.

"Okay, are we still going to Hot Topic?"

Harry looked at his phone, "why not? We have time to kill." He went to stand in line to check out, but Louis stayed to continue looking at stuff throughout the store.

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