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Aye, if any of y'all are ever bored, always feel free to write something on my profile. I was reading through some of the things people posted and it either made me laugh or smile. 

And I'm so fucking sorry about the lack of updates ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Louis frowned, "you didn't have to do that, you know. I could've handled him." Louis stared at their intertwined fingers, Harry still hasn't let go, even though they were far away from Ronnie and the school. Harry ditched the ride from Niall and decided to walk Louis home himself, since Louis wouldn't take another ride from Niall.

Harry rolled his eyes, "of course I didn't have to. It was the right, and kind thing to do. If I had ignored him, my mother would've disowned me, she didn't raise me that way."

"What way?" Louis asked, just noticing the big height difference between them, he looked down at their hands and noticed how much bigger his were... Harry was just bigger than Louis. Louis wondered if he was bigger in every way, like his-

"The way that taught me not to step down if I'm standing up for something I like." Harry smiled down at Louis, and Louis looked at his feet, blushing.

"Shush." Louis muttered, his 'bad boy' persona fading.

"It's true... wait." Harry stopped, tugging on Louis' hand a bit. "Louis, will you actually go out with me?" Harry asked, squeezing Louis' hand.

"I-I don't think I'm ready to date a guy..." Louis blushed, "I'm sor-"

"Don't be sorry. If you're not ready then I need to respect that, it's not your fault I pushed too early."


"No, you're not allowed to be sorry, you did nothing." Harry smiled, releasing Louis' hand. Louis smiled at Harry's acceptance, though his hand was now cold.

"Okay... My house is on the corner ahead."

"Really? I live only a block away." Harry's surprised he's never noticed that before. "If you go down this road, it's the third house on the right."


"Can I see your phone really quickly?"

"Um... yeah, why?" Louis took out his phone, unlocked it, and handed it to Harry.

"I just need to do something." Harry muttered, going through Louis apps, glimpsing to see if he had the one he wanted. "Damn it."


"Download 'Kik' and add me, I'll put my username in your notes."

"What's Kik?'

"It's an app you can use to talk to people."

"Why not just text? You have my number."

"I use Kik more often, but I'll give you my number, too, incase you need to text first." Harry typed his number then held out the phone to take a selfie to use for the contact photo. "Here." Harry handed Louis his phone back.


"I already texted myself and I'll save your number when I get home."

"Okay," Louis smiled, "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah... and remember to download Kik, okay?"

"Okay bye, Harry."

"Bye, Lewis." Louis scrunched his nose at the name, but still continued to smile.

After doing his homework, around 9:30 pm Louis decided to download Kik, and while he waited, texted Harry. (texts are from Louis' phone)

You: Why is your name saved as 'Princess' in 

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