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Hey my dudes. Im really sorry about that, i didnt realise that my ipad had published the wrong version of this chapter, so it is changed.... you dont have to read it again, but im sure itll make a lot more sense this time... 😅 It was the beginning that was the most fucked with btw.


Harry couldn't tell his mum what happened, because she would force him to go to Niall's with her to talk to Grace, Maura, and Niall. He also couldn't tell Gemma, because then she would yell at him to go for Niall; she always thought they would be a cute couple. Harry wanted nothing more than to let shit slide over, yet at the same time, he could't just leave Niall the way he did. Out of love for his best friend, Harry decided to try to talk to Niall again.

Once at Niall's, Harry rang the door bell, then checked his phone to see if he had gotten a text from anyone, hoping maybe Niall had sent a 'hey let's work things out' his way.

1 new message

Harry quickly swiped on the notification, unlocked his phone, and saw the name of who sent it: 'Lewis💕'. Harry sighed and turned off his phone, not reading the message.

"Harry what are you doing here?" Harry looked up to see Grace had answered.

"Is um... Is Niall here?"

"No, honey, you just missed him. He went to a friends house."

"My I know which friend?"

"Of course, it's Zayn Malik, I'm pretty sure he goes to the same school as you both."

"Yea, I know him... thank you!" Harry smiled and turned to leave. As soon as he got home he went to Gemma's room.

"Hey, Gem, can I have your car keys?"

"Sure, but you hurt my car and I'll hurt you, got it?"

"Yeah, sure. Okay." Harry brushed her warning off and grabbed the keys off her dresser. 

"Where are you going?" Gemma yelled after Harry, but Harry was already out the door.

He sped slightly all the way to Zayn's home. He slammed on the breaks in front of Zayn's apartament building, threw the car door open, and almost forgot to lock the car. He jogged up a couple flightls of stairs to Zayn's door and rapidly knocked.

"What the bloody h-" Zayn stopped and looked back into the house, stepped outside, and shut the door behind him. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Niall, and don't lie I know he's here."

"No, he has been complaining about you for like... an hour and a half. There is no way in hell I'm letting you talk to him right now, not to mention he's pretty high, and I don't know what'll happen."

"Please, Zayn... I really need to-"

"Zaynie.. where- where'd you go." Niall had opened the door; he looked up and Harry gasped, he looked like a mess. His eyes were extremely blood shot, from the combination of weed and crying, his hair was sticking up in several directions, and his cheeks were flushed a very deep shade of red. "What're you doing here?" Niall glared at Harry.

"Niall I need to talk to you."

"No." Niall walked back into Zayn's apartment, and Harry followed him, despite complaints and swears from Zayn, who eventually just shut the door behind him.

"Niall, please, five minutes." Harry followed Niall into a bedroom, presumably Zayn's, and shut the door behind the two of them.

"No, how about zero. I don't want to talk to you, Harry. I'm actually having fun with Zayn. He's making me happy right now. I don't need you coming in here and fucking things up... again."

"Niall I-" Niall cut him of by stepping forward and pressing his lips to Harry's. And the worst part is, Harry kissed back. Niall flung his arms around Harry's neck, kissing harder. Harry wrapped his arms around Niall's waist, but Harry pulled away when he felt a salty drop of water hit his lips. 

"I just wanted to know what that felt like.. Now please get out." Niall brought his hand to his mouth to hold back sobs that threatened to escape.


"GET OUT! ZAYN." Zayn ran into the room, ready to fight Harry, "Get him out please."

"I'm so sorry." Harry whispered, leaving without resistance as Zayn led him out.


759 words

I ACTUALLY HAVE THE WORST FUCKING WRITERS BLOCK RIGJT NOW OMF. If you have ideas 10/10 hit me up please bc shit im lost af.


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