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The picture is the painting Louis is working on. Fuckin' adorable, right?

"I hope you all are nearly done with your essays because they are all due tomorrow, we will start presenting Monday." Mr. Dun spoke.

'Thank fucking Satan it's Friday', Louis thought to himself. He was sick of having work with someone he didn't like, who just happened to be ranting about how expensive Victoria's Secret was. He was sick of this god damn school. He hated his mom for switching jobs causing them to move to Worcestershire; causing him to have to go to Clairemont High. He didn't mind half the people here, most of them were pretty nice to him, despite his clothing choice, tattoos, and piercings. Louis liked the people here, but he would never admit that to anyone, ever.

The one thing Louis hated the most about Worcestershire was the flower crown wearing fairy. He hated Harry because he liked him. He only had art, chemistry, and history with him but Louis had grown very fond toward the curly headed lad; and it made him mad, mad that he had feelings.

The bell rang, snapping Louis from his thoughts.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Harry asked, chirpy as usual.

"Yeah, whatever." Louis sighs, grabs his books, and walks out of the class room quickly to avoid anymore conversation.

"Wait, Louis!" Harry called down the hallway; Louis started walking a little faster, ignoring people's curious glances.

Louis shoved his books in his locker, grabbing his materials for French; doing so as quickly as possible to continue avoiding Harry.

Louis looked back which was a mistake, even with all the people he could spot Harry in mere milliseconds, and Harry looked sadly at Louis. Louis turned his head again, regretting looking back in the first place.

"Bonjour Monsieur Tomlinson." Mrs. Karts spoke to Louis as he entered the door.

"Bonjour" Louis muttered. He's taken French in all his other schools so he's knows enough to be in the fourth level of French, but because of his grade he's stuck in French II with a bunch of sophomores that still had no idea what they're doing.

Louis sat in the back of the class as he always did, he already knew all the shit they were learning, so he at in the back so he could get on his phone without the teacher knowing.

"Louis you know you can't pay attention without your book open."

"I already know all this." Louis crossed his arms.

"I don't care. Open your book."

"If you don't care then I don't care." Louis shot back.

"Go to the office. I'm sick of your behavior everyday. You act like you don't care, like you don't even want to be here." Mrs. Karts glared at Louis.

"Well I don't, so... you got me there." Louis said, sarcasm laced in his voice. Louis stood up and grabbed his things, and left the room.

Louis walked down the hallway to his locker and shoved his books in it. He looked at his phone, half an hour till the bell. Louis pulled out a piece of paper, then sat on the ground next to his locker, and started writing. Louis filled most of the front page. He then folded the note as much as he could as he stood up; Louis wrote 'Harry' on the front of the note in neat cursive.

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