CHAPTER 14: Time Flies

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With prom on the weekend and graduation the week right after, the days were starting to fly by.  Once again I was struck with the felling that absolutely everything was about to change, whether for the better or for the worse, I had yet to find out. 

I sighed to myself as I sat in my Advanced Placement European History class.   I had just turned in my final exam and was waiting for the bell to ring to go to lunch.  A little smile lit up my face as I realized that I would be seeing Zander there.  And then another thought surfaced in the back of my mind.  I would be leaving here, starting fresh at a prestigious university that had the possibilities of offering me absolutely everything… but what about Zander.  I would be there and he would be… here. 

I shook the feeling off; there was no use thinking about something that was so far out of my control.  In fact, me going to UCLA would probably end up helping out Zander in the long run, what with a girlfriend who had a degree in mechanical engineering and all.  I smiled to myself as the bell rang; everything was going to be fine.

I saw him from across the cafeteria, his eyes met mine and he gave me the most amazing smile.  I would never get used to just how amazing he was.  Then I saw Brooklyn practically accost him.  She stepped right in front of him, forcing him to stop walking.  I sighed aloud and started to walk slowly towards Zander, Brooklyn was too much of a drama queen for me to deal with at the moment.  When I reached Zander, Brooklyn eyes were daggers, oh if looks could kill; I would most certainly be dead. 

“Oh, it’s you.”  She said with a sneer across her face.

“Yep, hi Brooklyn, how’s your day going?”  I asked with a fake smile.  

“Great, I was just asking Zander here how his prom shopping was going.”

“It’s going fine, and I’m hungry, so goodbye.”  Said Zander in a dismissive tone.  I turned around to stare at her and laughed to myself.  She had her pouty lips open and was staring after Zander and I with shock.  I don’t think anyone had ever dismissed Brooklyn in her life. 

Zander was looking down at me, laughing at the triumph that I was feeling at the moment. 

“You really hate that girl don’t you?”  Asked Zander.

“Hate is a strong word, more like fed up with how entitled she feels.  I think she just needs to be knocked off of that skyscraper of a pedestal that she’s been sitting on for the past eighteen years.”  I said, and Zander laughed.

“You know, you won’t have to worry about her after next week is over.  It’ll be the summer, and then you’ll be at UCLA.  You’ll be doing things that she could never dream about.  You’ll have the world at your feet because you did everything humanly possible to get there.  Brooklyn on the other hand will probably end up marrying some lowlife who only wants her for Daddy’s money.  She doesn’t have anything on you, she’ll never compare to you.”  He said and I was left with that feeling again, that I would be away from Zander. 

We grabbed our lunch and headed outside towards the bench nearest the forest.  I sat down and looked off at the trees, forgetting my food entirely.

“Is something wrong?”  Zander asked, and I figured it was about time I shared my current fear. 

“I’m leaving Zander, what’s going to happen?”  I left the question open ended; I wanted to hear what he had to say.

“Yeah, I know.  I’ve been thinking about that too.”  He sighed.  “I called my sponsors and told them I wanted options, and they gave me one.  I could ride in Cali, I’d be training harder, but I’d be training with the best… and I would be close to you.” 

“You would do that?”  I asked.

“Rory, I haven’t been away from you for more than three weeks since we were eight years old.  I don’t plan on being away from you now, especially not now.  I talked to my managers after you called me about getting into UCLA, and they’re all on board.  They think I’m wasting away out here, they want me to train harder, with all the boys out there.”

I nodded my head in agreement; it was just my luck.  I was about to get absolutely everything I wanted; nothing could wipe the smile off my face at that point.     

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