CHAPTER 8: Carved into Wood

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They all just stared at Zander and I in wonder.

This was seriously embarrassing.  

“Looks like you had a good birthday last night Rory… well, you know apart from the whole fight and hospital experience.“ Brandon stated as he got up off the bed to stretch.  I knew I was blushing again, great.

“So what are you going to tell Mom and Dad now?” Questioned Lainey.

“Umm… I was thinking we just keep this a little… you know on the down low, at least until we graduate.”  Zander nodded his head in agreement.  We hadn’t even discussed what a relationship would mean to his parents, and I’m pretty sure it would change our sleeping arrangements among, other things.

“You just wanna be able to stay here without parental supervision… oh man you guys are smart.”  Said Brandon.

I blushed scarlet,.

Was he psychic.  How did he know I was thinking that.

“Ha!  I knew it, I was right.  You guys are both glowing red.”  Said Brandon triumphantly.  

 I couldn’t take it anymore, I needed to get away.  

“Well, this has been a lot of fun guys, but I think I’m gonna go down and run, or fix a motor, or work on the bike… or something.”  I said, getting off the bed and striding out of the room.  I needed time to think, I probably needed to call Mom too.  

Oh crap, Mom… how was I supposed to explain the arm.  

I let out a little sigh as I pulled on my running shoes.  Running with my bandaged arm was going to be fun, I thought.

I just started running, I ran so hard and so fast that when I finally stopped to slow down I realized that I was at the lake.  I skirted along its perimeter finally walking out onto the dock.  I sat down and hung my feet off the front.  I felt something scratching my right palm, but when I looked down something caught my eye.  There were initials carved into the wood.

                                                                                   ZS & RG.

Zander Spencer and Rory Grey

I shook, my head… I had forgotten about this.  Zander and I used to come up here all the time and we’d just sit still and watch the water until the sun dipped below the trees.    We would sit there for hours on end in one another’s company without having to perform, to put on a mask.  That’s how it was with Zander, and now… he was MY Zander.  I shook my head in disbelief.

He had carved our initials the first day that he got full sponsorship for his racing, he told me he'd never forget us.  

Everything had happened so fast, but it was as if it were meant to be.  What if Jeremy hadn’t done what he did, would I still be Zander’s best friend.  Would I just be hanging out with him today like one of his “boys.”  


Things were different now.  Nothing would never ever be the same after this.

Zander had given me my first real kiss, and I wanted him to give me my last.

Wow, I thought to myself.  We haven’t even been together for more than an hour, technically, and I‘m already thinking forever.  

I let out a sigh and I heard a little laugh behind me.  I already knew who it was, I lived for that laugh.

“You found me.”

“You seem surprised.”  He said with an extremely smug look on his face.  I chuckled softly.

“I didn’t even hear the bike.”  I said as he took a seat next to me.  

“Well, you were off in Lala Land.”  

“Can you blame me, the past twelve hours have been pretty eventful.”

“I’d have to agree with you there.”  

We both looked out over the lake.  He brought his hand up to my face.

“I don’t regret what happened between us.”  It was a statement, but it implied a question.  

I was forced to look into his eyes.

“I don’t either… because Zander I…”

“I love you Rory.”  He said suddenly and my heart stopped beating.  My mouth hung open and I couldn’t quite say anything.  His entire body was facing me now.

“I love you Rory, and I have since I was eight.”  

I felt something wet on my face and I realized it was a tear.

“You’re crying, I upset you… Rory I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to--”

I leaned forward and kissed him.  I kissed him so that he would know that I loved him to.  I let him feel every emotion that I couldn’t express with words.  The planets were aligned, the gods had spoken and the man that I loved, loved me back.  I finally broke away from him.  

“I love you too.”

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