CHAPTER 4: Aftershock

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I was trembling in shock, unaware of what had actually transpired.  Zander’s face appeared in my vision and I realized that his hands were on my shoulders.  My eyes slowly focused on his lips, which were forming incoherent words.  I shook my head back and forth and finally the world started to spin in the right direction again. 

“Rory… what were you thinking?” He was yelling.

 I looked down and realized that I was on the ground.  How did I end up on the floor, I wondered. There was blood everywhere around me.  I closed my eyes in disbelief.  Twisting my arm I saw a long deep gash penetrating my skin, I couldn‘t feel it yet though.  I focused on Zander again and noticed that he was still yelling at me.  

How ungrateful, after I saved him.  

He grabbed my arm and started to examine it.  It was definitely going to need stitches, I groaned at the thought and Zander shot me a worried look.  I quickly stood up before Zander could tell me not to and I felt myself stagger forward, but he caught me and lifted me into his arms as if I weighed nothing more than a feather.  You know if I hadn’t just been assaulted, I probably would have enjoyed the moment.  

There were police in the front room of the club collecting statements from the bouncers and security.  I knew they were going to need my statement, but they ushered us out towards the ambulance.  The paramedic motioned for me to sit down in front of him on the edge of the bumper, but as Zander tried to let me go I just clung to him tighter.  He let out a sad little laugh.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you go.”

I just buried my face into chest, grateful.

“Okay ma’am, we should get you to the hospital.  These wounds are a little deep.”  I looked up at the young paramedic.

“It’s too expensive, plus I have to give the police a statement.”

“They can get a statement from you at the hospital, you’re going to need stitches.”

“I’ll pay for everything, you don’t have to worry about it.” Said Zander, but I just shook my head.

“Can you please just do what you can and wrap it up and we’ll drive to the hospital.”  I told the paramedic.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off and I was beginning to feel everything as he pulled shards of glass from my forearm.  I flinched but I never complained or said a thing, Zander just held onto me and kept running his hand up and down my back comfortingly.  

“I’m sorry.” I said to him.

“What are you apologizing for?”  He questioned, utterly astonished.

“For punching him, I started this whole damn thing and your nose is bleeding.  I’m such an idiot.”  

He pulled a little away from me and I was forced to look into his gorgeous grey blue eyes.

“This is all my fault.”  He said shaking his head.  

“Do you remember that fight I told you about last spring?” I nodded, he had had a little misunderstanding with one of the other Moto stars, but everything was supposed to be cool after that.

“Yeah, but I thought the whole thing was squashed?”

“Yeah, so did I, but if tonight’s any indication… I’d say he’s not over it.”

“Aaron’s the one that kicked your bike.”  He nodded.

“Yeah, I beat the crap out of him because of that, and I should have known he'd want to get back at me eventually.  I could’ve prevented this whole thing, I could’ve told you not to dance with him… but… I was being an idiot.”

“Well you didn’t punch the guy in the nose.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to.”  He said with a smile and my whole world seemed okay then.  

“Okay miss, you’re all set.”  Said the paramedic as he walked away from us to check if Aaron had any wounds in the back of the cop car.  The cops came over to us and I gave an account of the story, as he took my statement.

“Alright Miss. Grey, you better get going to the hospital so they can stitch you up.”  I nodded.  Oh joy.  

Zander, who was still holding me began to walk us back to the Camaro.

“I can walk you know.”

“Yeah, but I’m not gonna let you go… until I have to.”  I made an overdramatic sigh, but secretly I was pleased.  There was something totally wrong with my frame of mind.

When we got to the hospital he insisted upon carrying me into the emergency room.

“No no no… we are not walking in there with me looking like some sort of helpless princess.”  

“I don’t think anyone will think you’re a princess, especially after they see that you have a three inch gash on your arm from a bar fight.”

“You’re right, but I’m still not going to let you carry me in.”

By the time they had finished stitching me up it was 4:28 am, and the hospital was practically deserted.  Zander carried me to the car and I didn’t resist, I was too tired to.  And as for the pain, after riding on dirt bikes for ten years, you get used to the injuries.  This one just had a more interesting story than the rest.  

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