Chapter 35

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*ARE YOU KIDDING ME. ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDIN' WITH MUH?!?! We reached my goal cx 1000+ reads!! Thank you all so much, I could go on and on thanking you but, I have a story to tell cx Thanks to everyone who joined in with the tinychat! Had so much fun! I didn't twerk, I didn't want to /.\ But now, our new goal is 1,250Reads. Babysteps now. Babysteps cx**

Chris' POV

I awoke in a small bed, a room surrounded it. A white room, surrounded by white beds, two of them. Wall to wall, In the middle between the two beds stood a nightstand, only a nightstand. Nothing else. I got out of the bed and went to the far corner of the room, my suitcase was there. I pulled it onto the bed and changed out of the clothes I slept in and into some new clothing. A grey, cat sweatshirt with a crewneck. Skinny jeans and boots. I put my hair in a sock bun and added a white bow to the side of my head, I thought it made me look more girly. I put on my usual makeup routine and left the room to the hallway. I walked all the way to the secretary, where the lady told me to go after I awoke, last night.

"Follow me dear" I did what she said and followed her, she lead me to a humongous yard, full of flowers of every kind. There was a lake at the end of the yard, to relax and create peace within yourself. I took a breath in and out. All the air felt like joy, like healthy.  Even though it was quite dark, I assumed there was a little area in the far corner where you could sit and watch the sun rise, she told me all about the place and how they would treat me, they told me schedules and showed me to every place the building had. The lady finally brought me to a room, a room with a beautiful, little girl inside, crawled up in the corner of the bed. "Her name is Phoebe. She is kind, believe me." The lady started to whisper to me as we entered the room to the girl sleeping, "Her mother died in a car accident, just like you. You two can be great friends, talk to each other and recover." I gave her a very dirty look. I never want anyone to ever talk about my mother like that. "Except the fact that she is like 12." I sassed her, she knew she deserved it so I gave it to her. The lady sighed. "You two get along." She left the room and locked the door afterwards, the doors would open every morning at 6. Apparently, the little girl, Phoebe left before I did. I awoke at 10am. The secretary told me it was okay for me to go to the cafeteria now so, I left to it. I went up to the lady's serving and sighed. Eggs and bacon, I hate bacon. I sat down at a table, next to no one. What was I even doing?! I was supposed to be getting skinny! For.... harry... But, I guess now it doesn't matter. I vacuumed the food like I was never going to eat again. I gave my plate to the lady's and downed orange juice, I felt horrible and regretted the whole breakfast. I then walked into the hallway which leaded straight outside. In a couple hours I would have to explain myself, which I wasn't very good at doing that. I sat on the bench I saw last night and noticed something. A girl, skipping rocks into the water so, I decided to attempt to join her. We sat on the hard ground, "Hi, can I join you?" I asked kindly, She nodded hesitantly. "How old are you?" I asked skipping a rock. The girl with the dark black, long hair to her back, blue eyes and very skinny answered quietly, "13" I nodded. "I'm sixteen." "What's your name?" She said almost to a whisper, "Christine, you?" "Phoebe."

Harry's POV

I knocked on the door, almost breaking it. Cal's mother answered it, "Hi, can I speak to Cal?" The mother spoke almost to a whisper, you could tell she was sick. "Cal is not here, does she know you?" I nodded, "I'm a friend of hers and Chris'. I was wondering where Chris was and I needed to ask Cal." The mother nodded, "Chris is at the hospital, I think." I thanked her and left to my car, Hospital was where my destination was. I drove up slowly wondering what I would find coming back here, I locked my car and left into the hospital, I walked the hallway's just thinking, I didn't know I was so deep into thought when I found myself on the sixth floor, I bumped into a young girl, about 14. "Hi." She said weakly. I smiled to myself, "Hi." "Who are you?" She shot right back, "I'm Harry styles, have you seen a girl named Christine by any chance?" I asked the girl, Right then she fell from trying to walk, she was holding onto the railing on the wall but that didn't catch her. I fell to the floor to grab the young girl, she was a stick figure, too tiny for her age. "Thank you" She said as I helped her up from her short fall. "My name is Autumn." She had orange locks down to her shoulder, so pretty. "Pretty name, I got to get going kid, be safe." She smiled as I left her to walk. I walked down the stairs forgetting I could just ask where Chris was. I was an idiot. I went up to the lady at the desk. "Hi, I'm looking for Christine Lights.?" I asked, she looked to me, "Christine Lights was let out yesterday." I was worried, "Is she okay, what happened to her?" She looked like an older woman, black hair, red glasses. Raspy voice, too raspy for a lady. "She went to a place called vacation." I didn't know what to say but thank you. I walked out of that hospital crying. Christine was dead. I couldn't do anything but cry, my headaches growing worse. I went home that day and never came out, it had been two weeks already. Niall had shown up at my place saying we would be leaving for tour soon, I knew it had to come. When the day finally came to go to Australia, I cried every step I took. I went on the same plane, except there was no, Christine's mother, no "emergency", no disturbances. We left to Australia. Leaving the best and worse memories of my life, finally finding the one and her just being ripped from me. I will never forgive myself for treating her that way, I will never forget the one I truly loved. I will never let her go. She will always be the love of my life and no one will take that place, I will never talk to any other girl, it's like She's still here. I'm still faithful.  

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