Intro to you (E)

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Sorry probably gonna need this
(f/n) first name
(n/n) nick name
(h/l) hair length
(h/c) hair color
(2h/c) second hair color
(f/c) favorite color
(e/c) eye color
(2e/c) second eye color
**Skulker's POV***

(F/n) is my daughter. Well adoptive daughter. I found her one day while looking for new specimens for my collection.


'What new specimens am I going to find today' I think to my self "Mamma, Daddy where are you." a small voice yells I follow the sound to a street I see a small child about 3 standing outside a house she had (h/l) (h/c) hair and her (e/c) eyes were full of tears. I hear a scream from inside the house and then see a woman come out in a long pink night gown she picks the child up and carries her to the road holding her far from her body like she is poison.

"Get away from here you devil child!!!" the woman screams at the child. "But... M-mamm-" says the little girl "GO AWAY!!!!!!" the girls mother yells and then runs back inside. The small girl sits on the curb and starts crying. I float over to her she looks at me but ignores me and goes back to crying. I sit on the ground beside her not used to humans not running away from a floating man with a flame like mohawk.

"Hello little human whats wrong?" I ask. "My mamma and daddy don't want me anymore." she says and breaks down crying again. "Why?" I ask feeling my blood boil "because I'm a bad girl." she cries and hugs my waist her arms only reaching half way around. I look back at the house to see a man and woman holding each other looking sacred and peering through the curtians but not looking at me but the little girl.

I turn back to her and see that her hair has changed to (2h/c) and her outfit was now a black long sleeve shirt and a black skirt with vertical white stripes. Her eyes were still hid but I was pretty sure that they had also changed It didn't take me long to realize that she was now a ghost.

"Little human girl how would you like to come and live with me?" I ask "Why?" she asks innocently "Because you aren't a bad girl and I can help other people think so to but you have to come with me." I told her smiling. "But mamma told me never to go anywhere with a stranger." she looked upset "I don't want to be more of a bad girl." "Well my name is Skulker what's yours?" I ask getting a great idea. "(F/n)." she said "Good and now we aren't strangers are we?" I question just noticing she was human again "N-no" she answered. I stand up and she does the same I reach down with my right hand and she holds on to my palm while I hold her whole hand being very gentle not wanting to hurt her. I take one look back at her house and see that her 'parents' seem to have relaxed now that we were leaving. 'Such good parents' I thought sarcastically and we headed back to my home.


Now my little (F/n) is 14. I found out when her birthday was only because a few days after I brought her here she had told me that her 3rd birthday had only been a few days before. We just celebrated her 14 birthday but for her gift I don't want to do it but have to.

For her birthday I offered her anything she wanted since this was such a big milestone and she told me she wanted to go to school in the human world. She said she would come back every night and go to school every morning. So now that we've gotten her everything she is about to leave for school. Oh no this will be hard she hasn't been to the human world since I brought her here.

I've taught her many many ways to use her powers and given her so many gadgets. "Daddy, I gotta leave soon." (F/n) yells "Coming (n/n)" I tell her grabbing a miniature net gun off my desk. I go out and give her a hug "Take this and be safe. And remember if anything happens get back here and I will handle it. And if any of those boys in the human world try to hurt you hurt them 20 times worse than what they try to do to you. Or kill them."

I tell her checking her bag to make sure she has everything. "Yes daddy. I love you see you tonight." she tells me hugging my waist her arms now reach around my waist. "I love you to (n/n) be safe be back by eight." I tell her. She turns and starts off "Remember to transform into your human form." I yell she waves her hand and goes through the Fenton portal turning invisible as she does so. 'Be careful baby girl.' I think as she totally disappears.

What did you think. Was it okay comment please.

(Edited if u find any mistakes plz tell me.)

Danny Phantom: Am I In Love With Skulkers Daughter? (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now